Chapter 11 The Horror of My Flashbacks are now Happening In the Daytime

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i had a the nightmare flashback last night and i thought that it was over. but i was so very wrong i had just walked into the University. i was getting ready to go to my first class which was professor Talbot's class. when that flashback of the night that i was shot by Pat in 1881 had hit me hard. i ran into professor Talbot's class scared to death. i backed up against the wall. i slid down the wall to the floor. i sat there shaking and scared. i felt my heart racing professor Talbot had saw me run into his class room. he came running over to me. and asked " Billy are you alright what is wrong?" i could not answer him. i just shook my head no. professor Talbot kept trying to calm me down. i just could not get calmed down and my heart was beating faster and faster and for me that just wasn't good. kept saying Pat please down shoot me please don't. professor Talbot asked professor Holmes if he knew what had me so scared? and professor Holmes told professor Talbot that i am having a flashback of the night that i was shot by Pat Garrett back in 1881. and if i didn't calm down soon i would end up in the hospital. professor Talbot had Charley to bring me a bottle of water and get my heart medicine for me. i took my heart medicine and i started to slowly calm down. my heart started beating normal again. after class i walked to my job at Garrett's place. that night i did my home work from all of my classes. that day i had added a new class to my class load. i added a law class to my class load. here is a picture of my law professor.

this is my law professor his name is Perry Mason

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this is my law professor his name is Perry Mason. he is like my other professors kind and helpful. he always says that you have a great chance at a better life. better than the life that you had in the past and the future is what you make it to be. after i had done my homework i got ready for bed. when i got into bed i had went right to sleep. my bull terrier Josh had jumped up on my bed and laid his head on my chest. i knew that here in modern times i am safe.

i will write more later on

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