Chapter 14 My Birth name is Henry McCarty but i changed it to William H. Bonney

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i was born William Henry McCarty but when my dear sweet mother God rest her soul. had married my stepfather William Antrim, she called me by my middle name Henry so people wouldn't get us mixed up. but when she had passed away from tuberculosis. my stepfather had left town for Arizona leaving me on the streets to fend for myself. then i had changed my name to William H. Bonney but my stepfather is in my past just like my outlaw days. back in the old west i was an legendary outlaw. but now i have to look to the future what ever that maybe. i still remember the night that i shot down by Pat Garrett my grave is in the graveyard at Fort Sumner. like my outlaw past it is behind me. but sometimes when Pat and i are alone in Garrett's place. i hear Pat singing to himself. this is the song that he is singing to his self. sunny days seem to hurt the most i wear the pain like a heavy coat i feel you everywhere i go i see your smile i see your face i hear you laughing in the rain i still can't believe you're gone it ain't fair you died too young like a story that had just begun but death tore the pages all away God knows how i miss you all the hell i that i've been through just knowing no-one can take your place sometimes i wonder who would you be today? would you see the world? would you chase your dreams? would you settle down with a family? i wonder what would you name your babies? some days the sky is so blue i feel like i can talk to you and i know that might sound crazy it ain't fair you died too young like a story that had just begun but death tore the pages all away God knows how i miss you and all the hell that i've been through just knowing that no-one can take your place sometime i wonder who would you be today. Pat would catch me watching him and wiping the tears out of my eyes. i tell him i am here now Pat and i am alright. Pat smiles and says i know Little Casino i know. 

i will write more later

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