Professor Wild Bill Hickok also known as James Butler Hickok

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it was no big surprise to walk into  professor Hickok's class this morning and see Charley Bowdre standing the corner. well one class clown is more than enough Joan was sat at her desk reading a book on Calamity Jane. i took my seat at the back of the class. but i didn't feel well today. and as i always did i tried to hide the fact that i wasn't feeling well. and it was just my dumb and bad luck that i had to after class so professor Hickok could talk to me about something. but this the first time since i had been coming here to the university of New Mexico that professor Hickok has ever called me Billy he has always called me Mr. Bonney. he said " Billy what is wrong you look like you are not feeling well. now don't try and lie to me and tell me that nothing wrong i have been watching you." i sat there for a minute or two before i answered him. i told him that i wasn't feeling well that my heart isn't acting right. i told professor Hickok that i still had to finish the rest of my classes today. he looked at me and frowned  and said " no Mr. Bonney you are going home so you can rest until you get better." i left class and started walking to Garrett's place. but i really started feeling dizzy i got to the museum that is named after me and i passed out fell to the ground Mr. Tunstall saw me fall to the ground he came running out the museum and picks me up and carries me inside of the museum and lays me on a cot and wipes my face off with a cold wet wash cloth. slowly started to wake up. Mr. Tunstall looked at me and asked me if i was alright i told that i was alright he told me to just lay there and rest until i got to feeling better. after some time i felt better and i left the museum and walked to Garrett's place Pat told me to go up me room and lay down and rest i told him that i was feeling better and that i needed the money. Pat said " don't worry Little Casino you will still get paid. the next morning i felt a lot better.

i will write more later

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