Chapter 9 The Day that My Heart had Gave out on Me

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i was walking to my job at Garrett's place from the University after my classes. i wasn't feeling well that whole day. i was trying not to show that i wasn't feeling well. i could tell that my heart wasn't acting right. i felt dizzy but i had to get to work. i didn't have a place to stay or live. yep i am a homeless 17 year old boy. well i wasn't fully homeless i stayed in an extra room at sheriff Garrett's eating place called Garrett's place. but the more that i walked the more dizzier i got. but i couldn't stop i had to keep going. then it felt like everything was spinning and everything started to go dark. i could barely walk. i tried to keep walking but i just couldn't walk no farer. then i pass out collapsing to the ground. i don't know how long i was laying there on the ground where i had collapsed. i don't even remember being carried to my room at Garrett's place. or even being laid on my bed there. but i could feel the cool air on my face. i hear two voices talking to me one sounded like professor Talbot and the other one sounded like sheriff Pat Garrett. i could hear them ask me Billy are you alright can you hear me. i laid there i could feel a cold wet wash cloth on my forehead. i started to wake up slowly. i felt my heart beating normal again. i woke up and tried to sit up. professor Talbot gently put his hand on my shoulder and said " Billy please rest for today." and Pat said " don't worry you will still get paid for today. the best thing for you to do now is rest." i laid back down and looked out the window. my bull terrier Josh jumped up on my bed and laid his head on my chest. the next day i felt better. and i got ready to go to my classes.

i will write more later

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