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Back to (Y/N)'s point of view:

I turn around to see Hoseok looking at me with wide eyes. He was looking up at me for a change.

I quickly change back to my female form so that I could communicate with him.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?" I ask, alarmed. Why would he suddenly scream like that?

The others come rushing.

"Why were you a man? It caught me off guard" Hoseok says. I calm down since it wasn't anything serious.
"I couldn't reach something and my male form happens to be tall" I say.

"Geez, we thought something actually happened" Yoongi says, lightly slapping Hoseok over the head.

"Wait-you have a male form?" Jungkook excitedly asks. A little too excited.

"Can I help with anything?" Taehyung happily offers his help, everyone ignoring the bouncing Jungkook.
"The kitchen isn't that big. I'll be fine by myself" I say.

"You heard the lady. Out. There's not much space" Taehyung chases his friends out the kitchen but stays behind.

"You'll just burn her kitchen down. Leave it to me" Jin chases Taehyung out and stays behind.
"There's enough space for the three of us" Taehyung quickly defends himself, staying in the kitchen after all.

They bicker while I revert back to my male form to reach the stuff I wanted.

I lay out everything on the counter that I need. I notice that it is much quieter than before.

I look towards the two to see them staring at me. I wiggle my eyebrows to help break their stare.

Jin awkwardly coughs.

"So this is how you look as a man" Taehyung starts as he looks me up and down. I give a quick nod to see what other high things I could reach before turning back.

I really miss my tongue. This form was so useful.

"What can we help with?" Jin asks. I hold a hand up, trying to signal him to wait. I take a few spices from the higher shelves.

I don't eat often since I don't have to but I might as well make something delicious before an exhausting trip.

"What can I do?" Taehyung asks with his strange grin. His friends confirmed that it is the way he smiles.

I turn back to my female form, looking slightly upwards to the two.

"You don't have to switch back" Jin says before I could say anything.
"To ease your peace of mind" I simply say and start dishing out instructions.

Lucky for me, Jin was keeping an eye on Taehyung.

"So...what was that about-you know-your man?" Jin asks as we stand around the kitchen. Taehyung was busy making a salad.

"Are you asking about Vernon?" I ask.
"No, I mean when you were a man" Jin tries to be clearer.

"What about it?"
"Why don't you just stay as a man?" Taehyung asks, looking at me.

"I like to feel pretty" I boredly answer. I don't think I should trust them that I can't actually sing in my male form.

"You look nice as a man" Jin says under his breath.
"You should've seen me in my prime" I sigh at the loss of my glorious muscles.

"That isn't your prime?" Jin asks with wide eyes.
"Remember, I used to have muscles" I remind them.

"Wait, so all those stories you told, you were a man?" Taehyung asks, interested.
"Most of them."

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