12. ~ Life if not a misconception

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(ok i'm half kidding. Please don't kill me--)

Ryunosuke wandered around the rooftop, wind blowing through his hair.

The hospital was boring.

The only thing you could do was watch the office 24/7 and wander around as long as nobody caught you. Some people there liked playing the infamous (yet actually pretty famous..) sport of, "woo the hot nurse."

It was wildly popular yet so incredibly pathetic. Especially since the people competing were mostly middle aged men who were there after getting beaten up by their children. And if that seems like a rare coincidence blown out of proportion then....

Anyways, as much as a sad sport and flop this would be, the nurses themselves actually tend to enjoy it and become flattered only to turn them down in a cold hearted tone. Yet it was so funny when they did it deadpan and coldly.

As much as this may seem unrelated to Ryunosuke walking up to the rooftop, he did so because after he'd gotten a roommate (after moving down from higher care) he had the unfortunate fate of sharing a room with a middle aged man who was their after his kids ran him over with a cheap toy car from ToysRus. To be more specific, a barbie one with flashing lights.

In the end, it entailed some gory stuff to happen. But it was his fault for being so pushy about homework...

So back to him, he was trying to "woo the hot nurse" when 'thanks' (if you will) to his actually good looks, things got a little frisky. And needless to say, Ryunosuke peaced out the second he noticed, a little disheartened he had to stop reading the novel Atsushi got him the other day.

The breeze seemed to be just right though, and the sun hit perfectly. His hands brushed against the uneven concrete, scratching a bit against it. When he looked down below, he saw the floor perfectly, but this time it wasn't a tempting blurry hole of despair and reality. It was...


People were passing by and things had color, the street was even and the cars drove across smoothly. It didn't entail as much fear as it'd used to. Maybe it was because he actually had a reason to live now, or he had for a while now he just hadn't noticed.

It's actually pretty unhealthy to live for and worship another human being, but this..This was better than nothing at the moment. Better than drifting into the foggy darkness and menacing thoughts creeping back up, enveloping your mind in this reality filled atmosphere..

He felt fine!

Ryunosuke averted his attention up to the bright blue sky. It didn't look crimson red or bloody, it looked beautiful with barely any clouds. Not too little, not too many.

He walked around, almost skipping a bit and enjoying the fresh air. Even taking in a deep breath and letting out one which relaxed his muscles and released healthiness into his intoxicated lungs.

Right now was good. This period of his life was amazing and for once he thought about his future. Not just as him sitting in a coffin but him living. And it almost brought tears to his eyes until in a single moment he felt his heart drop.

It dropped and hurt, pain dwelling suddenly and remembrance.


Oh yeah...

That future is impossible.

And suddenly the tears took on a new meaning.


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