Part 24

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I wake up to the sound of pots and pans clanging in the kitchen and Eva stomping around the apartment while the T.V. blares.

"Zayn came by this morning," Eva snaps.

"Good morning to you too?" I respond.

"He dropped these off," she answers, flinging two tickets onto my bed.

"Oh my GOD!" I scream. "He did it!! Two tickets to Iggy's concert for tonight!!"

Eva gives me the look of death and just rolls her eyes and sighs, "Whatever."

"Wait, Eva," I say. "Do you want to come with me?"

She doesn't answer.

"Eva?" I ask, now getting out of bed and walking toward the kitchen, where she's making tea.

She turns around to face me, "I saw you and Zayn last night."

I freeze. Oh no.

"Eva, I um..." I begin. "I'm sorry."

"Oh are you?" she responds. "Sorry for what, exactly?"

"I mean, I didn't mean to make you mad or just kinda, happened," I answer.

"Uuughhhhhh!" Eva half-screams, half-cries, half-grunts. "You are just SO annoying!!"

I stare at her, unsure of what to do.

"You aren't even that pretty," she continues. "It's just because you have this stupid aura around you because of how you got into the Squad. And then Mimba."

I remain silent.

"If I still had my looks," she goes on, "I would be the popular one. ME not YOU!!"

She makes that screaming-crying-grunting sound again.

"Eva," I finally manage. "I'm not sure exactly what you're talking about. I'm not popular."

"Uuuugghhh," she responds. "And that whole 'I'm just a lost little good girl' act is beyond annoying. I can't even."

She storms out of the kitchen and into the bathroom and slams the door shut. She turns on the shower and blares the music.

Unsure of what to do, I make some breakfast for myself and get dressed.

I think about leaving a note - and the extra ticket - for Eva, but then I decide against it. I didn't do anything wrong! It's not my fault that Zayn likes me. She needs to grow up.

I leave the apartment and walk down the hallway toward the elevator. I need to go on a long walk, alone.

On the way to the elevator, I bump into Rex.

"Hey girl, heeey," she beams.

"Hey Rex, what's up?" I answer.

"Oh not much, just gotta make the rounds today to all the different hallways I'm in charge of, you know, to make sure no one is doing anything too crazy," she winks.

"Cool," I say. "Hey Rex..."

"Yeah?" she answers.

"Do you like Iggy?" I ask.

"Ummm...are you joking?" she responds. "Who doesn't love her?!"

"Wanna go to her concert with me tonight?" I ask.

Rex looks at me, her mouth gaping wide open, "HELL YES!"

I laugh, "Great - let's meet outside The Arena at 6:00."

I hand her the extra ticket I have.

"K-Nigma," she responds. "Word. I knew you were a rad chick!"

"See you later," I say, as I step into the elevator.

When the doors close, I remember that I want to thank Zayn for getting me the tickets.

I switch on my cell, point my face toward it and say, "Zayn Malik?"

A light flashes and then a picture of Zayn pops up on the screen, with an option to message or to call him. I say, "message" and the screen prompts me to speak my message directly into the cell.

"Thank you," I say. "Send."

A moment later, the device buzzes and a message from Zayn says, "You're very welcome, Kishmish. ;) I hope you find what you're looking for."

I smile, exiting the elevator and walking toward the lobby, ready for a long, solo stroll around the city.

We have one free day, today, until our official training starts tomorrow morning. I want to see if some of the places I remember as a little girl are still here.

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