Chapter Four

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When they arrived at the penthouse, Suryeon immediately request for tea for the both of them. They sat across each other, Yoonhee can't remember the last time she's been in here. Even back then before the all the chaos happened, they always met at Jakomo, her unit, or any other place but never in here. She figured out maybe Suryeon doesn't want to risk Dantae overhearing their plans or maybe, she really just couldn't stand her ex-husband.

"What are you thinking about?" The older woman asked upon seeing her deep in thought.

"What? Oh, I'm just thinking of when I last came here, the place looks extremely different." The redhead said as she let her eyes roam around the place. Indeed it was different, the place are full of beautiful paintings and art pieces. The furniture's motif are also changed from monochrome to a colorful and brighter schemes. She thought it fits the brunette's personality.

"I changed everything the moment I got back. I couldn't stand seeing his things, I never really liked them." The taller woman replied, the bitterness in her voice didn't go unnoticed by Yoonhee.

The helpers served them their tea and left right after. The redhead immediately took a sip, she realized her mouth and throat are beginning to dry as she didn't drink anything since she left work. Suryeon noticed that she was drinking the tea like water, she can't help but giggle. The shorter woman looked up at her and frowned.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Why are you drinking tea like water?"
Yoonhee realized that the brunette was teasing her. She rolled her eyes at her.

"I'm thirsty okay, I haven't had a drink since I got off work. Why is the party only serving alcoholic beverages, do you want the kids to get drunk?" She accused her. The taller girl looked at her as if she's studying her.

"What?" She asked when the older woman stared too long.

"The drinks are for the adults, I strictly told the waiters and bartenders to not give the kids any alcohol," She paused and hesitated before she finally asked,

"Why didn't you drink then?"

"Because I don't drink those anymore."
Suryeon took a sip from her tea, she thinks she has an idea on the reason why the younger girl stopped drinking, but she wants to confirm it.

"May I ask why?" The shorter woman sighed, she's not sure if what she's about to say makes for a great conversation.

"Seola... If I wasn't drunk that day I could've saved her." She gulped and tried to push down the lump that was beginning to form in her throat.

Suryeon can't help but to be sad at the mention of her daughter's name. Years had passed and she still blames herself for what happened. She realized she shares the same guilt with Yoonhee.

"I'm sure she's still thankful that you tried to save her atleast, she must've felt helpless that day." Suryeon tried to hold back her tears but she can't help it. She looked away to hide them from the younger girl. The redhead reached for her hands and gave it a squeeze, it's all that she can do to try and take away some of her pain.

After a while, Yoonhee panicked and let go of the brunette's hand. Suryeon felt the warmth of the younger girl's hands left hers and immediately looked at her. The redhead was busy finding something in her bag.

"Is there a problem?"

"Just... Looking for my phone, I need to tell Rona where I am or she'll scold me again." She said as she desperately look for it in her bag. Suryeon chuckled at her, Yoonhee and Rona are one of a kind, she feels like the teenager acts like the mother sometimes.

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