Chapter Five

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Suryeon woke up feeling something, or someone rather stirring under her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Yoonhee sleeping peacefully with her arms wrapped around her waist. She smiled at the sight, she always thought that the redhead was pretty, but she was prettier now that she can see every single detail of her face. She noticed the beauty mark under her eye and thought that it did nothing to destroy her beautiful face. In fact, she thinks it elevates it even more.

She put a strand of stray hair behind her ear, thoughts of what happened last night raced in her mind. The way the redhead put a lock of her hair behind her ear. Her eyes were full of lust, no doubt, but there was something else. Was it adoration? She can't tell. She stared at her lips, she remembered her lips being so soft against hers. She bit the inside of her cheeks to stop herself from smiling. She felt the younger woman moving under her again, she noticed that she was frowning.

"Yoonhee, are you okay?" She asked.
The shorter woman finally opened her eyes to see a very concerned Suryeon impossibly close to her. She remembered what happened last night, she suddenly felt frightened. They crossed a line they can never go back to. She avoided the older woman's gaze.

"My back, it hurts." Suryeon immediately rolled over to the side, thinking her back hurts from being squished by her body. The younger woman sat up and tries her best to reach her back to massage it. Upon seeing her struggle, the brunette sat up and removed Yoonhee's hands from her back and replaced it with her own.

The other woman tensed at first, but relaxed as soon as Suryeon's hands start massaging her back gently. She reveled at her touch, she sighed. Her hands were so soft and warm.

"Hmm.." The redhead can't help but to moan.

"Why are you always overworking yourself?" The older woman scolded her.

"The living expenses here isn't exactly cheap." She replied, matter-of-factly.
Suryeon frowned, she has no idea of the other woman's financial status lately. She's worried if she's having money problems again.

"Are you... managing?" She asked hesitantly.

"I'm fine, I still have my savings from before but I'm afraid it'll run out. I'm actually thinking of moving out, I need to discuss it with Rona though." She declared.

Suryeon stopped what she was doing, it was as if her world stopped for a moment. Her heart sank. Yoonhee noticed this and faced her, the older woman was looking down, playing with her hands.

"Are you okay?" The redhead asked as she try to look at her in the eyes.
The older woman only nodded, trying to desperately avoid the other woman's gaze.

"Hey..." The younger woman put her hand under her chin and gently tilt her head up so they can see eye to eye. Her eyes were glistening from the tears that accumulated in her eyes.

"Suryeon, why do you always cry when you're with me?" She teased. The older woman glared at her and sniffed.

"The thought of you being away scares me." She confessed. The shorter woman cupped her cheeks and wiped her tear stained face with her thumb.

"It's not final yet, and even if we move out I'll still cling to you. You can never get rid of me." She said as she smiled brightly, making her eyes disappear.

The older woman lean in close to her to make their foreheads touch. She rubbed their noses together, Yoonhee closed her eyes, the gesture made her heart flutter.

"What are we?" Her voice came out small. She can't help but ask. She treasures their friendship but she can't deny that she wants more.

"I don't know... A couple? I'm not sure." The brunette stated, the redhead chuckled, she find the conversation awkward.

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