Chapter Nine

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Note: Italicized texts are flashbacks.

Yoonhee watched as Rona played the piano. She smiled, her daughter grew up so beautifully. She's been thinking of ways on how to break the news to her daughter. She's afraid of how she'll react.

Will she hate me for not telling her? She hopes that her daughter would understand why she had to keep her as a secret to her real father. Rona had never gotten love from her late husband, would she think that it would've been better if she got to grew up with her real dad instead?

"Mom." Rona called out to her, worry was plastered on her face.

"Why are you zoning out? Is there a problem?"

Yoonhee sat beside her daughter and took her hand in hers. The younger girl looked at her mother, she can see the conflict in her eyes.

"You know that mom loves you, right? That I only do what's best for you." The redhead framed her daughter's face with both of her hands, confusion was written on her face.

"Mom, why are you acting like this? Did something bad happen?" Rona asked, she felt a heavy feeling in her chest. She doesn't want to go back to those times again, where everything and everyone was against them. Her mom has suffered so much already, she deserves to be happy.

"No, everything is okay. I just..." Yoonhee tried to search for the right words but she can't seem to find it. She didn't know it was going to be this hard.

"Mom, what is it?" The redhead took a deep breath and tried her best to collect her courage.

"I need to tell you something." Her daughter just looked at her expectantly, encouraging her to continue.

"It's about your father." The younger girl frowned, she was confused as to why her mother is bringing up someone they chose to forget a long time ago.

"Your real father." Yoonhee added, carefully assessing her daughter's reaction.

"It's Mr. Ha isn't it?" The redhead's mouth went agape, a frown formed on her face, she wonders how Rona could've possibly known. Did Yoonchul tell her already?

"Dad never loved me. There must've been a reason for it. When I was young I thought that he was just a jerk. But now I know, it's because he isn't really my dad." She said, as she recalls painful memories where her dad never treated her the way a father should treat his daughter.

"But how?" Was all Yoonhee could say.

"How did I know it was Mr. Ha? Simple, he was being overly kind to us. At first, I thought it's because he liked you. But he started paying too much attention to me more than you."

"It creeped me out at first, I thought maybe he was hitting on me. But it's strange, I felt safe around him."

Yoonhee gulped, she's afraid of what her daughter will say next. She personally doesn't want Yoonchul to be in Rona's life anymore, he doesn't deserve it.

"So? What will you do?" She asked her daughter. Rona just smiled.

"Nothing. We will continue with our lives, just the two of us... Or if you find someone who can make you happy, then I'm willing to let one more person in our lives."

The redhead felt like the weight of the world was just lifted from her shoulders. She beamed at her daughter. How is she supposed to tell her that maybe she'd have to let in three more person in their lives. That the two of them is already a big part of her life. She tried to let go of the thought and pulled her daughter in for a hug.

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