Chapter Fourteen

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She turned around and ran as fast as she can back to the lift. She tapped her feet impatiently as if it's going to make her journey back up faster.


After what felt like eons, she finally reached the 100th floor. She immediately ran to the door and ringed the doorbell. When no one answered, her heart started beating fast. She opened the door and let herself in. It was quiet, Suryeon weren't in the living room anymore. She made her way upstairs. For some unknown reason her feet started taking her to Suryeon's room. She gently opened the door and walked cautiously in. She scanned the room for any sign of life but she couldn't find any.

Yoonhee decided to go and check out the other rooms when she heard a faint sound of something. The redhead eyed the bathroom and slowly made her way to it. She grabbed a nearby vase, just in case. She opened the door slowly, ready to throw the vase on whoever the intruder may be.

She immediately stopped herself when the door reveal Suryeon who has a mop in hand ready to attack her.


The brunette's jaw dropped at the sight of the redhead. She has a vase in hand ready to throw it at her. Yoonhee traced the direction where her eyes are and immediately put the vase down.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were the intruder."

"Me too."

Suryeon gulped and brought her weapon down as well. Silence filled the room. None of them was able to look at each other. After a whole minute, the older woman's phone ringed. She brushed pass Yoonhee to get it on her bedside table. The redhead's eyes followed her as she pick the phone up.

The security guard informed her that they already caught the intruder, it was Jenny's mom who caught the guy. When the call ended, she looked up to see Yoonhee staring at her. She find herself smiling a little when the younger woman looked away and pretended on looking around the room.

"They caught him."

"Really? That's good."

Yoonhee nodded as she dug her hands into the pockets of her hoodies. Silence filled the room again. Suryeon doesn't know what to do or say next. Good lord, they practically just broke up a while ago and now her 'ex' was back.

"I'll get going then. Make sure you don't open the door to just anyone. We don't know if they were more media people who broke in. Your security team here is sht."

The redhead turned around to leave. Once again, Suryeon finds herself stuck where she was standing while wanting to stop the woman.

Move, she told herself.

Yoonhee has reached the door and was turning the knob when she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind.

"Don't go..."

The brunette whispered silently as she tightened her hold around the younger woman. Yoonhee felt tears stinging her eyes.

"I don't want to hurt you Suryeon. You deserve a peaceful life and you'll never be at peace with me."

"That's not true. The only time I feel at peace is when I'm with you. You make all my worries disappear." The brunette insist, tears now streaming down her face.

"Suryeon, don't make this hard for me." The younger woman inhaled deeply as she tries to hold her tears back.

The redhead faced the brunette and she immediately regret it. It always breaks her heart to see Suryeon crying.

"Then stay. It's my fault, for being so insecure." Suryeon started, her voice coming out small.

"I let my insecurity get the best of me. I didn't mean to make you feel like I think so little of what we have."

"I just wanted you to be able to depend on me. We're partners right? I just don't understand why it is so hard for you to unload your burden on me."

The redhead sighed. For whatever reason, the atmosphere seems calm now than when they were fighting earlier.

"I just don't want you to be hurt again. You went through so much already. I feel like I should not let you go through anything painful ever again. I know what hurts me will hurt you too and I don't want that."

Suryeon stepped closer to her, reaching for her hand. The redhead just let her.

"You don't have to worry so much about me. I've survived all those pain then and I'll survive them again, especially now that I have you..."

The brunette paused and swallowed hard before asking hesitantly,

"Do I still have you?"

Yoonhee pulled the older woman and hugged her tightly. Her small frame fits perfectly against Suryeon's tall one. Yoonhee finally answered,

"Yes. For as long as you'll have me."

The two found themselves sitting beside the huge window that overlooked the entire city drinking wine and enjoying each other's company. It was serene, none of them were talking but they're happy.

Yoonhee decided to stay after finding out that the twins will stay with Rona. They decided it was too late to go home.

Seokkyung told her to take care of her mom in exchange of them taking care of Rona. She absentmindedly chuckled. That girl is really gutsy.

"Why?" A soft voice pulled her out of her thought and her eyes instantly met Suryeon's eyes. She smiled at her.

"Nothing, just my last conversation with your daughter."

Suryeon smiled brightly, recalling how her daughter talked to Yoonhee. She's grateful that Yoonhee find Seokkyung's antics endearing and not offensive.

"I'm glad the media was caught." Yoonhee blurted out suddenly.

This made one of Suryeon's thoughts resurfaced. She wanted to talk about it with the redhead before they fought.

"That article that trended... It was published years ago right?"

Yoonhee only hummed in agreement. Suryeon frowned. It's odd how something published years ago can resurface randomly.

"Yoonhee... Is it okay if I try to look into it? It's just so weird how it resurfaced."

The redhead sighed. Suryeon is already involved no matter what she do but it still makes her uneasy that she is.

She considered what Suryeon said earlier, that they're partners. They used to do detective sht together anyway so what's wrong with it now?

"Okay. Let's look into it." She responded with an assuring smile.

Hiii long time no update hehehehehehe. I AM SO SORRY. I became very busy and was also losing passion to write, but I don't want to give up. I'll finish this no matter how long it takes. I feel very guilty to see some people waiting so long for the update. My sem is almost over, let's see if I can go back lol. Sorry for the typo and grammar mistakes as always. Take care! ❤

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