Chapter 9: (Unrevised)

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Warning! I've not been back to this story in a long time. If some things are off, feel free to put it in the comments and I will correct it. It's been a very long time since I updated this so the path of this story will not be the same as I originally intended it to be. Do not worry, there will be smut and I MAY created a smutbook(book of lemons) for Soul Eater, depending on how I feel.

On with the story! 

I pace around my room in a perfect circle as my mind runs a marathon: It's confirmed. Crona is an omega... It all makes sense now. The reason I was so attracted to him, the reason I was pissed to see him wave his ass for other men, the reason his sent was so enticing! He's an OMEGA.

A natural born slut.

I stop in my tracks as images of his flustered face fills my mind, my heart races and my stomach fills with butterflies. I groan and run a hand through my hair. I clearly hate him for being an omega and even lying about it! So why does every part of me falter and break at the thought of erasing Crona from my life?! 

When I slapped him, I didn't really mean to... I was surprised, angry and mostly conflicted. He finally came near me on his own, touched me so gently yet so desperately. He wanted me and hell knows I wanted him, but this... I just can't accept it! These feelings for him aren't real, it's just because our identities! His pheromones are what cloud my judgement and mess with my heartstrings, it happens between every alpha and omega! 

I feel anger rise in my chest and kick my wardrobe causing it to fall and shatter, glass and wood litter the tiled surface of my floor. I glance at myself in the mirror, noticing that I am a bit disheveled and take a breath. I plop onto my bed, covering my face with my arms to block out the world. I need a moment of peace, but all of my thoughts and doubts were weighing too heavily for me to relax. I need to consult with someone! Someone who has been around Crona for a long time and shared the same space. Another alpha that I can speak with calmly...

I snap my eyes open when I remember the time my father had some "slip-up" when he was speaking to me a few months prior to Crona's arrival.

"You seem a bit off father. Is everything alright?"

"Ughhh... It never gets easier with this omega. He's suffering so much and there's only so much we can do. Recently, he lived with Soul Eater, but he was enticed by the omega's scent and nearly mated the poor boy. Thankfully Ragnarok was there or things would've been much worse, heh."

Death chuckles lightly, but I could easily hear the exhaustion in his voice.

"Who are we talking about?"

"Who else? The new comer, Cro-OH-uh... Kronos! Yes, Kronos!" 

I ignore the strangeness of his tone in favor of my curiosity.

"Kronos? Peculiar name. Will he be attending classes, soon?"

I need to be sure of who this character is so I can keep a distance. The last thing I need is some slutty omega trying to seduce me for a higher rank.

"Uuuuummm... Maybe? It's not set in stone quite yet, but there will be a...uh--Beta! Coming to the school. After things are resolved..."

Right... I never did meet or even see a Kronos anywhere in the school, let alone the city. I've seen Ragnarok maybe one or twice, but we've never talked... I snap my head up and my eyes widen as I place the pieces together. I mentally slap myself for not realizing it earlier. All the signs were sitting before me! The absence of the Kronos, the strange scent of Crona, his desire for older men--no--his desire for an alpha... I did this to myself. I'm normally smarter than this, so how did I miss such important details...

My mind traces back to my father's words: 'Recently he lived with Soul Eater, but he was enticed by the omega's scent--' Sounds like I need to pay Maka Albarn a visit. Sneaking out shouldn't be a problem, right?


I wake up in Stein's room. I look around for any signs of him, but not even his soul's wavelength is present. A bright sheet of paper, on the bedside table, catches my attention. I pick it up and read the message:


I wanted to wait until you woke up, but the situation with the staff has taken a sharp turn. An unexpected visitor showed up and a few people have gotten injured. Everything will be fine and I will be back soon, but in the meantime Lord Death requests that you return to the manor. Kid is under house arrest for the time being and will remain in his quarters so you don't have to worry about him. Stay safe and don't forget your suppressants, daddy will be home soon."

I blush a bit feeling my father's worry about the whole Kid situation. To be completely honest, returning to the manor is the last thing I want to do, especially knowing Kid is still there. Hell, he lives there! I will end up being treated horribly anytime we cross paths! He might try to rape me or kill me if my scent slips out! Knowing his hatred for omegas, he's more likely to kill me... I sigh heavily and trudge to the bathroom to get myself refreshed.

As I leave the house, I notice the sun is setting. Wasn't it night? Have I slept for the whole day? I shake off my thoughts and begin walking, but the thought of going to the manor made my legs feel heavy. Images of Kid rush through my mind and an uncomfortable feeling explodes in my chest to the point where it hurts. He probably thinks I'm dirty. He's going to bully me and force me to do strange things! Alpha doesn't truly want us. Are you willing to accept that? The voice in my head begins to speak up. No matter how much I try to stop it, these thoughts and images are so irresistibly vivid that it sends a strange feeling of agony through my body. My omega must be depressed... I can't go to the manor like this.

Not alone.

I glance up at the sky once more before I continue walking to the main road, hoping and praying Maka is home.

Y'all probably think I'm a stone cold liar! I said months ago that I would update within a week and look: Months later, finally updated. Please go easy on me, I just got out of the hospital and I still feel like shit. I'm also going to be updating my art books! If anyone wants me to redraw their characters or whatever, feel free to DM me on Instagram @devilishlyloving  Thanx and bye~!

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