Chapter 4

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Crona's POV

    "P-professor~ M-more~" I moaned as he began to suck on the scent of my neck. I shivered and gasped as he reached down and grabbed a hold of my member and stroked it roughly. I moaned loudly, bucking into his hand. He dragged his tongue from my neck up to my ear whispering "Crona... Crona... CRONA!"

    I shot up and nearly head butted Patty as she began jumping on me. She handed me a bottle. "I think you'd better take one. I found them lying under the bed. Don't worry, I won't tell Kid as long as you don't tell him my heat started." she said. I swallowed thickly. "Y-you saw...?" she giggled. "No, but I heard you. You like the Professor~ And your scent was and is starting to spread!" she whisper-yelled, resuming to jump on me. I blushed a deep shade of red.

    I managed to take the pill without choking, while she jumped around. My eyes widened as I realized something. "Y-Your heat started?!" I whisper-yelled to her making her freeze. She slowly nodded. "It's gone down, but I know it's not over especially with Kiddo around..." I shoved a pill in her hand. "Take it now and you'll be fine for the day... Come tomorrow for another." I said sternly.

    She giggled then laughed. "I'm kidding! I got you gooood~! Oh, but don't worry I still won't say anything and I'll definitely come when I need it!" she said handing it back to me. I sighed heavily and looked around for my bag. Wait... THIS IS THE LOUNGE! "Um... Patty?" she laughed out loud and took off with the bottle of suppressants. I was about to chase her, but I saw her head into my room.

    I suppose it's good to have another omega around. "Hey! Crona!" I spun around and saw Liz coming my way. "O-oh! H-hey Liz! Erm... O-or should I b-be saying M-Mistress?" I asked trying not to get into any trouble. She chuckled and walked past me. "Try Liz." she said waving. I stood there dumbfounded. I headed back to the kitchen to pick up where I left off. I glanced at the clock and nearly fainted. (3:35pm)

    I rushed out and into my room where Patty was drawing in my journal. "P-P-P-P-Patty... What d-day is it?!" I asked. She shrugged. "Dunno... But me and sis just got back from the secret thing with Maka that we went to today..." she replied. That means... I took two suppressants... In one day...

Th-th-they'll.... Cancel out!

Kid's POV

    I walked into the lounge to see how Crona was doing, but no one was there, except the blankets. That's strange... I haven't seen him at all... He was supposed to be here, unless he woke up... Did he go back to his room? Why would he leave the blankets there in such an asymmetrical fashion? I went upstairs to his room only to find Patty scribbling in a book.

    "Patty have you seen Crona?" I asked slowly so she would understand me. "Hm~? Oh yeah! I woke him up and ran up here. He came to me earlier and asked what day it was and I said 'Dunno... But me and sis just got back from the secret thing with Maka that we went to today...' and he took off." she replied laughing hysterically in the end.

    I sighed in aggravation. "Get out. Go to the arcade or something!" I said holding the door open. She threw the book back onto the bed and ran off. I glanced at the cover. My Journal -Crona M. Gorgon I was on the bed with the book in my hands in .5 seconds. I opened his journal to the first page, curiosity corrupting my mind.

Dear Journal,

    This will be my first time writing in this journal. The one Maka gave me is full so... Professor Stein, my father and my secret crush-I pray he doesn't read this- gave me this book. I was very embarrassed today. The professor gave me a checkup and I was naked in front of him! I later found out that I was classified as-

    I slammed the book closed. Crona... In love with Stein... His own father?! Not only that... Crona...-

    I ran out of the mansion, straight to Stein's home. I couldn't sense Crona's soul. I went to the school and stood atop one of the spike designs on the building. I concentrated on finding Crona's soul and sensed it faintly outside of the city. "BEEZLEBUB!" I summoned my skateboard and took off in search of the pinkette. He's got a shit-ton of explaining to do!


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