Chapter 5

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Crona's POV

    "CRONAAA!" I heard a voice yell from a distance. I looked up to see a black figure on a skateboard flying towards me. Oh no... I took off in the other direction only to find myself 20 feet off the ground. "KID! PUT ME DOWN NOW! PLEASE THIS IS DANGEROUS!" I screamed. He ignored me and sped to the direction of the manor through the window of my room.

    I heaved myself up after taking a tumble through a couple of scattered books. Kid stomped over to me and showed me my journal. The whole bottom page was ripped unevenly. Wait. I didn't rip that and it was ripped out right when I wrote about my classification. Did Stein do that? No, It's not possible... So who? And wait... Why is Kid mad at me?

    "The page... How do you live with yourself... Not only is it ripped asymmetrically, it's ripped the wrong direction! If you want a clean rip, rip it vertically not horizontally! This book must be burned!" he raged taking the book to another room. No! That book has a picture of Stein when he was drunk! I chased him trying to take the book back, but I couldn't get too close. My scent... The suppressants...

    I stopped. "Kid... Please... Give it back, it's my journal so it's my business! It's got nothing to do with you!" I shouted slightly only enough for him to hear me. I was growing a little irritated with his behavior. He stopped turning to face me. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. He walked towards me stopping again once he was three feet away from me. Too close... "In this book... You talk about him alot... You really love him... Don't you..." he said.

    My eyes widened. He read through it?! He saw it all?! "WHY DID YOU READ IT! WHY ARE YOU-""Answer me this... Stein is your father right? Perhaps you've confused your love of family with the love that involves intimacy between partners... Tell me I'm right." he said cutting me off. "Something is really wrong with you!" I said. "NO SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH YOU! YOU FELL IN LOVE WITH YOUR FATHER! A GROWN ASS MAN WHO SEES YOU AS NOTHING MORE THAN A SON TO PROTECT!" he raged.

    "Who I fall in love with doesn't concern you! I love him not you!" I broke down. Then froze. Why did saying those words hurt me so much... Liar! I felt my omega screech. "I... I'm sor-" I cut myself off backing away quickly as I felt a warmth slide down my legs. My breathing began to quicken. My eyes darted to Kid when he stepped forward taking a whiff of the air around me.

    Before I knew what I was doing, I slapped Kid and sped down the hall back to my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it. I could hear Kid's footsteps echoing the halls as he ran to me. I opened the wardrobe and dumped all the clothes out, then took a large spare blanket and burried myself in it hiding away in the now empty wardobe. I heard the door hit the floor and tucked in deeper into the cloth to try to conceal my scent.

"Cro-! What the hell?! CRONA GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE AND CLEAN THIS MESS!" he yelled stepping to the wardrobe where I was hidden. Oh no! He's getting too close! My scent... He was about to open it when suddenly "KIDDO~! SIS IS LOOKING FOR YOU~!" Patty shouted. I could here Kid grumble slighty. "Patty. Make sure Crona cleans this mess. In the meantime, I'm keeping this." I hear his footsteps leave.

    I assume he means that he's keeping the book... I began to sob quietly. I feel Patty lean against the doors, but I ignore her. "Neh, Cro-chan? I know you probably think Kiddo is doing this purposely to make you sad, but he not like that..." she paused. I leaned in, putting pressure on the door to show I was listening. "About your book... The first page was ripped right?" she asked. How did she-"I ripped it. When I found your journal. I drew pictures, but I was also reading through it. Anything that talked about omega I covered or ripped out. I knew Kiddo would find it eventually..." she said then began laughing.

    "Ya know! Kiddo never took an interest in anyone! He just uses them, but when you came along, the Kiddo I know came back!" she said. I could barely breathe, but I held back so I could hear more. What she told me next though, made me let go. "Go to sleep now Crona. You need it" she said seriously.

    I woke up in bed. I slowly get up and look around. "I see you're awake." I snapped my head to the doorway. A pretty lady with long black hair pulled into a ponytail smiled at me. I don't think I can deal with her... "My name is Tsubaki. I am one of the beta maids here. Don't worry Patty told me everything. Your secret is safe with me." she giggled lightly. I nod getting out of bed.

    "Uhm... Where's Kid?" I asked. I still feel like I need to apologize for what I said. She didn't answer me, instead giving me my suppressant. I quickly take it, trying to find my clothes. "Don't. He's not very happy today." I frowned. "No I need to make things right." I threw my uniform on and headed downstairs to the kitchen. "Oh Crona! Kid isn't here. Patty and I made him breakfast. Or at least tried to..." Liz said.

"Do you know where he is?"

"Uhm...? Last I heard he was in the garden... But that was an hour ago. O_o"

"That isn't very helpful... Thanks... -_-"

    I groaned and headed to the garden. To my surprise he was there, but what I saw... I felt like I got stabbed in the chest a thousand times and revived only to be choked to death. Kid was banging one of his maids! "Ah~ yes Master! There~! So good~!" She moaned out. I shook. I wanted to scream. I wanted to hit him! I wanted to cry... Wait... Why do I even feel this way...? I watched as he violated the poor maid, but I couldn't help, but feel hatred towards the maid...

    I didn't even realize I was crying until my breath hitched catching Kid's attention. He widened his eyes as soon as they landed on me. I backed up before running away... Like a little bitch. Pardon my language, but it's true... I've been running away so much and never faced the problem upfront... It was always to just wait it out and hope things get better...

    I stopped in the middle of the hallway falling to my knees. I let my tears fall freely as I sobbed hard. Almost all the maids came running to me. 'Oh my goodness!' 'Are you hurt?' 'Did you fall?' 'What happened?' I ignored all of them as Liz, Patty and Tsubaki helped me back to my room. "Alright Crona! What happened?! Tell us everything!" Liz demanded.

This is so embarrassing!

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