Chapter 12:

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Okayyyy... Finally got another one written! Consider this the end of Part One of Love Thy Maid. Part Two will hopefully have steady updates, but lemme not keep saying that. Anyway enjoy this shitshow that's unfolding!

I wake up in what looks to be a desert. It reminds me of the one I often dreamt of when my omega was lonely and couldn't sense her mate nearby. Especially during the cold nights when mother would lock me away during my painful heats. My omega always takes form in my shadow in that place, but now it was different. This can't be my dream!

My Omega is in my place and I'm the shadow.

"What's wrong? Why are we like this?"

I ask it, but it doesn't respond. Its eyes are lifeless and simply stare at the endless horizon. I try to get some sort of response and after much probing, I finally hear it speak.

"We cannot be..."

"What? What do you mean?"

My omega only repeats the same statement. Over and over and over. The more I hear it, the lesser I feel. It's almost as if I am fading away into a dark and silent abyss: scary yet...peaceful. I close my eyes as the deafening silence consumes my being. I suddenly hear glass shattering and my eyes snap open. I'm still in the desert, but I'm no longer a shadow. I'm me again!

I turn back to look at my omega, but there's no shadow to be seen.

"Our alpha does not want us. We are rejected. If we stay like this, we will perish together... Didn't you want daddy alpha's love?"

I snap my head in the direction of my omega's voice. It wasn't a shadow, but a live person, identical to me. Its pale eyes bore into mine as if I were looking into the mirror. I begin to think of my father, but I felt numb as if my heart has disappeared. I didn't care about anyone or anything. I just wanted to be alone. I felt part of me fading away and notice that my omega was chipping away like glass. 

"I'm sorry. Alpha has rejected us because of me. I will dissolve now."

"No, NO! Don't leave me! I feel so empty, now! I feel paralyzed!"

"We may reconnect one day. I'm not leaving for good. We are severely damaged and your soul must be strengthened, you can't rely on 'Alpha' anymore. Daddy alpha cannot provide stability for a crumbling soul. If you fall apart, we will meet beyond the boundary."

"W-what does that mean?! Wait!"

I cry out for it to come back, but it just chips away until nothing remains. I try to stand, but I feel too heavy for my legs to support and barely move an inch. Grains of sand sink around me and I raise my head to see a glass dome surrounding the dessert. It isn't hard to tell because of the crack in the glass, but the crack itself seems to hide something within it. Something I don't think I want to see. My omega's words ring in my ears and my chest tightens. What's the point? He hates me... Can I really keep going like this?

I lower my head in defeat and close my eyes, waiting for the end. I hear voices in my head and images of my friends and loved ones pour into my mind. Professor Stein... Maka... Tsubaki... Liz... Patty... even Soul and BlackStar... I...I can't leave them!

"No... I have to try! I still have my father who loves me unconditionally and friends who care about me! I can't leave them!"

I snap my eyes open and glance up at the cracks in the dome above with a newfound determination. Even if I am a rejected omega, I'm not alone! I can't let myself wither and die over an alpha I never cared for to start with! I close my eyes again and concentrate on my breathing. To strengthen one's soul... I need to meditate...resonate...and consecrate... The tightness in my chest quickly begins to lessen as I concentrate on my soul's wavelength. I feel the sand around me slowly begin to sink beneath me as I let myself fall into the mercy of my happiest memories.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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