Chapter 7

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Kid's POV

    I walk to Crona's room to see how he was doing after what he saw and hopefully get a chance to explain myself. I open his door to see... Him on top of my father.... And... GRINDING ON HIM?! WHAT THE HELL?! FIRST IT'S STEIN, NOW MY FATHER?! WHAT'S WITH HIM AND OLD MEN?!! "What in the hell is going on Father!" I demanded more than asked.

    "U-uhmm... Well...?" he trailed off. I was about to speak when-"Ahh! Alpha~!" Crona moaned out as he shivered and collapsed on top of him. My fists clenched tightly as he panted heavily getting back up. "W-wh..what happen-" he looked down at father and screamed, backing up and falling off the bed. He groaned and looked up and widened his eyes as they met mine.

    He quickly shot up on shakey legs and ran passed me before I could catch him, dashing down the hall. However, that didn't stop me from intaking his scent. It was... Faint, but smelled like pheromones from... heat? Is Crona an Omega?!

Crona's POV

    I got back to my senses, only to find myself straddling Lord Death. I screamed falling off the bed with a loud thud. Groaning, I looked up and locked gazes with the one person I didn't want to see with a slight blush on his face. I raced passed him and out of the manor, which is safe since I took a suppressant earlier and charged straight to Maka's.

    I pulled out the spare key, unlocked and swung the door open, only to slam into a hard chest. I hit the floor with a thud and looked up slowly to see who I hit. "Crona?! What are you doing here?!" an all too familiar voice said. I locked eyes with Stein. "Dad!" I shouted with joy as I began to cry. He helped me up and I instantly threw my arms around him, burying my face into his chest.

    "Crona? What happened?! Did Kid do something?!" Maka's voice rang. "Ugh, calm dow-""Shut up, Soul!" she yelled again, breaking me and Stein's hug and tackling me. "I-it's just... I d-d-did s-something r-really b-bad..." I trailed off. "Let me guess... You lost your composure and went into a frenzy of some sort?" Stein asked. My eyes widened. How did he know?!

    As if he read my mind he said. "Just had a hunch. Also, I can faintly smell you giving off pheromones. The suppressant is still working at least... Though I doubt Kid missed it." He lead me over to the couch to sit. Soul stayed in the seat farthest from us to control himself, Maka keeping him company. "Just rest here for now. Do you need anything?" "No... J-just a h-hug... I-if you don't mind." I said softly. He tugged me closer to his scent gland releasing a calm scent to soothe me. We stayed this way for a while as I basked in his warmth. Yes. I do love this man.

    A vision of Kid passed through my mind. My face heated up and I shot up from my once comfortable place under Stein. "Crona?" "I-I'm s-sorry... I-I just can't... S-stop thinking a-about Kid-kun..." I turned to face Stein. To my surprise, he was smiling. "Perhaps you've found someone you-" he cut himself off looking at the door. As soon as he did, the door flew off the hinges.

    Tsubaki, Patty, and Liz came rushing in. "Professor Stein! It's really bad!" Tsubaki and Liz said in unison.

"What's going on girls?!"-Maka

"It's Kid and Blackstar!"-Liz

"Blackstar found out about me and Kid..."-Tsubaki

Her and Kid?

"Blackstar was really angry! Ahahah! He and Kid are really goin' at it! Ahahahah!"-Patty

What did she and Kid do?

"Wait, I don't understand!"-Me

What did she and Kid do??

"Kid was looking for you and he ran into him! They exchanged words and I'm guessing Kid revealed what he had been doing and they started fighting we have to hurry and separate them! We've tried, but it's no use!"-Liz

    We headed to the direction of the manor. As we got closer we heard yelling and screaming. Of course, where there's a fight there's a crowd... Stein easily maneuvered through the crowd, us following close behind. Once we reached the clearing, I wasn't sure who was going to make it out alive...

    So scary! I can feel my omega in me shouting. Blackstar is a Beta isn't he?! He's challenging an alpha! He's gonna get hurt! I have to help him, but my omega was saying otherwise. Help Alpha! Help NOW! I feel a rush running through my body and as soon as Blackstar threw a punch, I found myself in between them. He used his soul's wavelength... I felt all the air get knocked out of me.

    "CRONA!" I hear multiple voices at once as I blacked out.

Stein's POV

    You're not fucking serious, right? I hear my alpha yell as I shot towards Blackstar and Kid. By the time I know what I'm doing, they're both unconscious. Or at least I thought, before they slowly began to get back up. Maka was cradling Crona while Tsubaki and the others including Marie and Naigus(you know the mummy nurse in the anime) gathered for support. He wasn't fully conscious, but he was still conscious as he was shaking slightly.

    I scooped him up gently, holding him to my scent gland. "Blackstar, Kid with me. Everyone else, go home. Now!" I demanded and without a moment of hesitation, everyone did as told. As soon as we arrived home, I put Crona in bed, returning to the front, where the boys were. "Okay. Now I normally don't care how bad your fights get. HOW-EVER!" I stated, breaking my last word into two syllables. I let my alpha speak.

    "When Crona's around-I don't care if he appeared out of nowhere, I don't care if it is or is not about him and I don't give a damn if you were overcome with anger or any of that bullshit. You are to stop fighting. Immediately! You do not- and I repeat- YOU DO NOT! HURT. MY. SON." I said. My voice deadly.

    "Do I make myself clear?" I demanded more than asked. "... Yes." they both said quietly. "Good." I said turning away from them. "Mm... Daddy...? Is thah you?" a groggy voice called out. "Crona, you should be in bed." I said watching him trudge over to me. He nuzzled into my side purring quietly, before taking notice of the two wide-eyed boys in front of him. "O-oh! Kid-kun! S-Star-san!" he said, gripping onto my labcoat.

    "Hey... Crona. Listen, I'm sorry for hitting you. I meant to hit this bastard, but..." Blackstar trailed off. "I guess I shoulda listened to Liz and Patty when they said stop..." he finished. Crona smiled a little in response. "I-It's fine." Kid looked up and the pinkette as if debating something. "Um, I know now is probably not the time to ask this, but Crona... Are you...

                                        ...... An Omega?"

                                  To be Continued...

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