Chapter 2

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    I woke up covered in three thick moist blankets. "Hot..." I whined, kicking them all off. I shivered slightly feeling the cool air, then relaxed. "Crona? You up?" I hear Stein call from the other side of the door. "Y-yes! I'm coming out in a second!" I called back stumbling out of bed. There are no classes today and for the next month. All of the teachers are attending an important meeting with Excalibur for some mission. That includes Stein...

    "How are we feeling?" he asked coming in. I reached into the drawer grabbing the new bottle of suppressants, taking a tablet. I sighed. "B-better." I replied. "Very good. Now let's hurry. Kid is a very punctual child. Not to mention he's OCD." OCD? Oh lord... "Don't worry, he's not gonna hurt you. Though he will freak out if something is out of place." he finished, chuckling slightly at the thought.

    We stood in front of the manor. I already want to go back home. "This is your stop. I wish I could stay, but we're supposed to depart soon. I'll see you in a month. And remember... Only one pill a day. No more, no less." he said sternly, before walking away. 'Be safe...' I thought and slowly walked up the stairs to the door. I hesitated, but before I could knock the door swung open and some blonde giggly girl knocks me down.

    "Oooops~! Sorry! Hahahah!" she laughed as she hopped over me and took off. I got up and bumped into another blonde girl with longer hair and a more serious look. "Hey! Watch it!" she said stepping forward. I stepped backward and hit the edge of the step, falling backwards. Before I could touch the ground or fall for that matter, a handsome boy caught me.

    We stared at each other wide-eyed for what felt like forever. I quickly cleared my throat, stepping away from him. "U-uhm... H-hello.... M-m-my name- uh is.. Crona? I'm l-looking for...-""Death the Kid? That would be me." the boy said cutting me off and smirked. I knew that I wouldn't get anywhere trying to speak with my stuttering, so I settled for a nod.

    "Oh! You're the boy we have to take care of! I'm sorry!" the mean girl said. "It's... Okay." I forced out without stuttering. "Anyway. You and Kid can head on inside. Liz. I'll introduce myself properly later, righ now I am in dire need of new clothes!" she said taking off. I watched for a while before turning to Kid. I couldn't help, but stare at him. His raven hair marked with three white strips on his left side, his honey colored eyes that appear in three different shades of gold for each ring.

    "Hello?" I was snapped from my thoughts when Kid waved a hand in front of my face. "Ah! I-I'm s-sorry, Kid-kun! W-what were you s-saying?" I asked. "'Kid-kun?' Um, anyway I was asking if you wanted to come inside." he said. "Oh! Um... Yes, please." I replied nervously. As soon as I entered, I jumped feeling something grab my behind. "Hm... Nice and plump." Trustworthy and loyal, huh? I gasped and held back a moan when he began squeezing. "S-st-STOP IT!" I yelped, slapping his hand away.

    "What do you think you're doing, you pervert?!" I yelled. My face was flushed from embarrassment. "Whatever do you mean, darling? This is mandatory to check your size." he replied calmly. If possible, my face heated up even more. "E-excuse me?! I know I was s-sent here t-to be t-t-taken care of... B-but that d-doesn't mean d-do ANYTHING you w-want!" I stuttered out. He simply laughed. "Oh, but I will darling~ It's what you're here for~"

    I froze. Wait does he know I'm an omega?! I sighed in relief at his next words. "All of my betas are maids, except Liz and Patty... Actually, Patty is the only omega here, but she's immature. She hasn't had her first heat yet... Thankfully." he said the last part under his breath. "Besides, anything I want, even if not from my maids... I get." he whispered in my ear. I don't like this guy, he makes me feel weird.

    Kid gave me a tour around his mansion. He opened the door to a large room I assumed was 'Liz and Patty's' since it was pink with a lot of clothes and things. The next room he walked me into was another full bathroom, except this one had a hot tub! "Wow... Bigger than the others..." I whispered. Sadly, my voice echoed, so he heard that. "I know something even bigger that'll fit you perfectly~" he said mostly to himself. It's times like these that I wish Blair didn't ruin my innocent mind. "Excuse me?" I growled at him with narrowed eyes. "Ahem! I said... I know. Lucky for you, this is the bathroom assigned for the maids.

    "Um... You know I'm a guy... Right?" I asked. He laughed. "Of course! But well... With your feminine stature, why not put you in a dress. You are wearing a dress right now after all." I felt my eye twitch. "Robe." I deadpanned. "Is there a difference?" I hate this reaper! "That's besides the point! There will be girls in there! I'm not going in there when they are right?" I asked fearing the answer. "Of course you are! You'd fit right in!"

    "Y-you! There's no way I-" he cut me off pinning me to the wall. "Oh? Do you perhaps... Prefer bathing with me~?" he said before he....


Against me....

   Everything sped up after that. I remember punching him, then yelling at him. He only grinned, slapping my butt as he left to the other room. I sank to the floor. It hasn't even been my first day... But I already know I can't... I won't, there's no way...


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