Bumpy Ride

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Part 9
The ride back to New York would take about 12 hours. Most airlines made it back in 13 to 16 hours if they were lucky and never landed, but the Avengers jets were much faster than the typical airline. Especially when some was piloting compared to flying with auto pilot. Still, it was a long flight back to the Avengers compound.

Natasha had put the jet on auto pilot once you were about an hour away from Tokyo, which was roughly about the same time that you and Clint had finished tending to your wounds. She had refused the med kit when you offered it to her, which wasn't a big deal anyway since it was mostly gone. She even managed to get changed while you and Clint had been.

You all sat down around a circular table, and Natasha and you went over everything you knew about the time machine so far. It sounded almost ridiculous saying it aloud, but then again, you'd also seen a lot of things you thought were ridiculous. Aliens attacking New York, robots trying to make humans extinct, Hydra trying to take over the world, infinity stones, the snap... If all those things could happen, then why wouldn't this plan work?

Once you finally finished filling Clint in on everything, he just sat there a moment and tried to take it all in. You could tell by the look on his face that he thought this was all crazy. But at the same time, you saw him trying to believe in it.

"So," he starts, trying to get it all straightened out in his head. "If I understand this correctly, we all travel through this quantum realm, navigate to the different times in which these stones are found, get them and bring them back to the future, and then snap again and that will bring everyone back?" He looks to the two of you for confirmation.

"Pretty much yeah."
"Yeah, yep basically."

You and Natasha say at pretty much the same time. Clint just sighs and crosses his arms, thinking it over again.

"And you have tested it, right?" He asks next.

"Well," you start, "Scott did kinda. We tested it when he still had it in his van, but we had a hard time getting him to come back. And then we got Tony on board and he built a better version, but we haven't tested that out yet." You explain, though knew even that was still currently under construction. "We don't have many pin particles in order to do a bunch of test runs either because the only guy who knows how to make them got snapped away. So we might only have enough for two, maybe three tests."

"So all that aside then, if we do get all the stones, then it will bring everyone back? We can just snap our own fingers and-and then all the people who vanished will be here again?" You knew he didn't really care about the risks or the "how" in the plan. As long as it worked.

"That's what we hope will happen." Natasha answers. "It's the best shot we got. So what do you say Barton?" Clint looks away from the two of you a moment, thinking it over. You could tell he'd already made up his mind though.

"Well, I suppose I have nothing better to do." He nods. "And I'm on this damn jet anyway. So I guess I'm in."

Natasha and you share a small smile, and you can tell by the glint in Natasha's eyes that she's thrilled to have Clint back. You were too. At least if he was here, then he was safe for the most part.

"Well, we got about an 8 hours flight before we touch down. It was about 1:30 am when we left Tokyo, so it'll be 8:00 pm when we land in New York." Natasha says to the two of you. "I can take first first shift with flying. And Clint, if you want, you can go nap if you're tired. Just try not to sleep too much. We'll be getting ready for bed when we get back." She says to the man. You and Natasha were still used to New York time, but Clint was on Tokyo time.

Clint nods a little. "I think I'll be fine for now. I'll try to stay up for as long as I can." He says, though you could tell he was tired. He was getting bags under his eyes. All the fighting he'd done earlier along with him repairing his side had probably taken a lot out of him too. Inside of commenting on it though, you and Natasha just nod.

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