"Little Lady"

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You woke up to the fresh smell of...

Nothing. Ethan usually makes toast or eggs every morning, and it has a smell. You were about to go get him but then remembered today was the day you and Ethan would try to find Mia. You'd never been so happy for something that had to be related to Mia. You got out of bed, not doing anything with your hair, and ran downstairs to see Ethan eating oatmeal. "I thought you hated Oatmeal?" he shrugged. "I found some in the pantry, I don't wanna cook." You sat next to him, then realized. Nobody has gotten Oatmeal yet. Meaning the oatmeal he was eating was in fact expired. "Ethan..Does it taste funny?" you tried to hold your laugh. he gave you a confused look. "No..?" You got up and grabbed the wrapping the oatmeal was in. "Ethan this expired 4 months ago." You busted out in laughter, not being able to help it. He spat what was in his mouth into the bowl. "WHY DIDN'T YOU THROW IT OUT??!!" Your laughter got harder as tears started forming in your eyes. "I'M SORRY! BUT I DIDN'T KNOW!" He placed his bowl on the table and started to chase you. Your laughter soon turned into screams, "I'M SORRY ETHAN PLEASE DON'T TICKL-" He got to you and tackled you to the ground, tickling you. "MY STOMACH HURTS...PLEA-" You couldn't finish your sentence, Ethan had found your sensitive tickling spot, when he realized what he did. He started tickling it. "NO WA-" You were cut off by someone banging on the door, you got up and checked the door. "Ethan it's a cop." He got up and opened the door for you. You didn't hate cops, well some. ((MENTIONS ON SEXUAL ASSAULT)) When you were young, you and Mia loved playing on the tire swing in the forest. One day it was just you because Mia had ballet lessons, you were happily swinging when a cop found you.


"Well hello, little lady," The cop said. 'Mom said don't speak to strangers.' you said in your head. "That's not nice, you speak when an adult speaks to you." He said, his voice laced with anger. "I'm sorry.." you said and jumped off of the swing, trying to walk off, but he grabbed you and pulled you to his car. ((THE REST I'M NOT WRITING))

End of Flashback.

Only Ethan and Mia know about what happened, Ethan took your safety very seriously. "Yes, officer?" He held your hand, reassuring you everything would be Okay. "We got a report of screams and cries for help coming from this house. Is everything okay, Little lady ". Fear filled your body. "Y-yes I'm fine! Me and him were just playing!" The officer shook his head in suspicion. "I promise, he isn't hurting me! He would never. He's smart enough to know.'' Ethan blushed when he saw you fiddling with his fingers, your hand still entangled with his. 'God I love this woman..' He thought to himself. The officer left and you two went to pack your bags for Louisiana.

Word count: 521

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