The Bakers

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"Oh come on, don't die on us now you two.." You slowly opened your eyes. "You both have work to do!" A female voice says, then it gets dark again.

You woke up to a disgusting stench, a smell nobody could live in. You slowly look around, then you see.

"Ethan?" your voice still gone from what happened. Ethan turned to you, his eyes lighting up. Then he gets serious again. "Where are we? What the hell?"

"Rise and shine sleepyheads! It's time for supper!" a woman who looked to be in her 40s says.

"Who are all you people? Where is Mia?" You said, looking around the dimmed room. The woman pointed at Ethan's plate. "Eat it, it's good!" Ethan's face turned when he saw the plate. " Dumb son of a bitch wouldn't know good if it hit him!" A boy threw his plate at Ethans' face. "Lucas!!" The old woman said. Just as you opened your mouth to say something, The old man took his knife and cut Lucas's hand off. 'what the fuck.' you thought to yourself. "Goddamn old man, not again," Lucas said. "Again?" You said quietly.

Then the old man starts to walk over to you and Ethan." Get out of the way, Marguerite!" He went to Ethan. "That boy's got to eat! He got to have his supper. Come here, boy. Let's do this, come on." He took a piece of god knows off of the plate and shoved it into his face. "Get off of him!" You shouted. He ignored you and continued shoving food into Ethan's face.

" Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit—he's not eating it. Jack!" The woman whose name is Marguerite, yelled. "Shut the hell up, Marguerite!" Jack said this time grabbing a knife. Your eyes widened, what was he going to do with Ethan? " I made that for him!" She kept yelling and jumping around. "Get the hell outta here!" Jack pointed the knife at her. "You're a son of a bitch!" She said running out. "Such a healthy relationship." You muttered under your breath, and somehow Jack heard. "What did you say, girl?" Fear filled your body. "N-nothing..!" Jack took the knife and stabbed your mouth.

"Hey! Get off of her, you lunatic!" Ethan's voice was full of rage, it made your heart flutter. Just as he went to stab you again, a doorbell was heard. "God damn it. I bet it's that cop again." Lucas said. "Goddamn pigs! I'm coming back for you." Jack left with Lucas. You and Ethan let out a sigh. When the door finally closed, Ethan got out of his chair, and then let you out. "Thank-" Ethan grabbed your chin. "Don't you ever do anything stupid like that again!" You could tell he was mad. "You almost got yourself killed. Again." He let go of your chin, and you walked to the living room. "Seems like they are the cause of a lot of missing people," Ethan said over your shoulder. "Let's just get Mia, and get out." You said with a hint of annoyance.

Just as you were about to walk down a hallway, Jack ran into a table. Ethan pulled you back to him, leaving you to fall into his lap. You covered your mouth and stayed still, Ethan peaked around the corner and got up, leading the both of you to a room that was connected to the kitchen. You ran to a hatch, but it was locked. Jack entered the room but did not notice you two. "Where'd those little shits get to? You know what they say... once family, always family." He had a weapon in his hand. It was huge. "Listen, we have to get to the desk he ran into. Meaning we have to face him Okay?" 'Is he crazy?'


Ethan grabbed your hand, super tight, and made a run for it. Jack must've seen you two. "Thought you'd just slip out before dinner was done?" you heard loud footsteps. He was behind you two. Just as you were about to run to the key, Jack busted through the wall. "God damn it, how am I gonna replace this?" Ethan got the key and threw it to you. "I'll meet you there Okay?!" He wanted you to leave him. "No." "Y/N GO!" Jack started chasing you. "FUCK" You got to the hatch and unlocked it.

Ethans pov

Jack came back for me, throwing his shovel at my leg. Cutting it off. "WHAT THE FUCK" I poured some of the first aid on my leg and it magically reattached. " new" I got up and ran to the hatch. "You... better... run... Here's daddy!" Jack started to laugh manically. I finally got to the hatch, and Y/n was there holding it open for me. I got in and closed it shut. "Alright, have fun under there, boy. I'm gonna come back for you later."

Your pov

You and Ethan let out a sigh. "Are we safe?" you said, crawling next to Ethan. "I can't say we are, but I hope so." You and Ethan made it to the laundry room, where there was a bunch of stuff. You were checking around in a filing cabinet when you found a handgun and shotgun ammo. "Ethan come check this out" Ethan walked over to you and looked at the ammo. "That means there is a handgun around here, you know how to use one?" You didn't but, you wanted to seem dependent. "Of course I do, I was raised in Texas." Ethan scoffed. "Yeah right, I've never seen you hold one before and you and Mia were raised together." He got you there. "Okay, no. But, I am fully capable of using one, how hard can it be?"

Oh, it was gonna be hard.

Word count:969

I am so sorry about not updating

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