"Why cant we just leave?!"

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You and Ethan got up from the couch and started to move again, with only you having half a magazine left, you decided to put your gun up for now. You'll highly regret that later. "Yo Ethan, do you think this will be important?" He walked over, you held up a scorpion key, he looked at you with a smile. "Yes y/n, this helps us with the last dog head." You felt important, so with a big smile you grabbed the key and started to walk upstairs, knowing exactly where to go. "So... Y/n." Ethan said. "What's up?" You said back, wondering where this was going to go. "About the whole I love you thing, did you mean that, or..?" You let out a small laugh, "of course I meant it, I vowed I would never say this but I've had a crush on you for a while, but because of Mia. Well you know how that goes, good sisters don't normally crush on their sisters husband." You looked down, remembering how much mia used to vent to you about how much she loved Ethan. "And you're sure you don't love Mia anymore?" He nodded. "It's a hard decision to come to but, I don't know. I feel like she's lied to me? Or at least she didn't bother to tell me about her real job. I fell out of love months after her funeral, but I still want to make sure she's safe." You both reached the door with the shotgun in it. "No, yeah of course. I get it, I hope she's safe also." You unlocked the door and grabbed the shotgun, and handed it to Ethan. While he checked the gun out you grabbed the dog head out of the trash.
Walking back downstairs, you heard Ethan humming a familiar song, but you couldn't put your tongue on the name. It'll come to you later. "Let's both go in just in case something happens." Ethan said, you both walked into the small room as Ethan switched the guns out. "Wait, can we just stay in here for a minute at least, i need a break from this. You felt like you were going to cry, why? You didn't know, or you did. The immense amount of guilt eating at you for being in love with Ethan. "Yeah of course." He said as you slid down the wall and sat down with your head in your knees. He sat next to you, with a worried look on his face. "What's wrong n/n?" You looked at him, tears forming in your eyes. "Y/n..." he hugged you. "This... this is all too much Ethan, the monsters, my sister, This! Why can't we just leave!?" You sobbed into his arms. "I just.... Wanna go home.." he kissed your head, causing you to calm a little. "I know, but now we have to finish this, there's no turning back without trouble." You looked at him, he wiped your tears away. "I'm so sorry for dragging you into this y/n." You shook your head. "No no, it's okay I got myself into this as well. Don't blame this on you." You stood up, with a hand out to Ethan. He got up and you two continued out.


You found the last head, it was on a hook. You grabbed it and all of a sudden Jack turns you around and punches you, causing you to fall all the way down. Ethan, being in the other side of the room, looks up and sees you on the floor. "Y/n?!" He then sees jack. "Y/n! I can't get down there! You're gonna have to fight him!" It just hit you. "WHAT!?" You looked around. Jack was already down here. "NO NO I CANT ETHAN, MY GUN! ITS IN THE BAG!" You kicked body bags at him to slow him down, and it was working. "Why is your gun in the bag!?" He said, vocally facepalming. "ITS OUT OF AMMO!" He threw you the shotgun. "It only has 33 shells left!" You nodded. You waited until he was turned and you shot his back 3 times. That apparently made him angry enough to grab a weird chainsaw thing, you shot him making him stumble and you grabbed the other chainsaw, starting it. "Y/N BEHIND YOU!" You turned and just sliced, the chainsaw hit his head and he started to bubble up.
You took the opportunity while he was bubbling up and bleeding, to just slice and dice. After many repeated rounds of that, he finally fell and died. You used to remains of the chainsaw to slice the door, you ran to Ethan and just hugged him. "You did amazing down there!" You scoffed and laughed. "Please, that was terrifying Ethan! He kept regenerating like some video game character!" He laughed, "well one down?" You nodded, "yeah, crazy food lady and their killer son!" You and Ethan shared a laugh. It's been a while since you two have laughed like that. You and him went to the door, inserting the last head.  The door opened, fresh air! "Oh how I missed air that doesn't smell like ass!" You said and walked to the trailer. "This must be Zoe's" Ethan said as you looked around, grabbing ammo and anything useful. "Find anything?" He asked. "Just ammo and herbs." You replied, as you two were walking out the phone rang, he picked up. You weren't as worried about them, you looked at the pictures and notes. "The girl she was with, she knows something" read the note. She couldn't have been talking about Mia? Right.

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