"Daddy's Coming!"

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You woke up in Ethan's car, looking around you saw you were at a gas station. "Are we already In Dulvey..?" You thought out loud, Ethan must've been getting gas. After a while you saw him come out of the gas station, he was carrying 2 bags. When he got back in he handed you the bags. "Good morning, sleepyhead" He smiled and you looked away, blushing. 'God he's so handsome. No. Snap out of that y/n. He's your sister's husband!' "Well, I have to put gas in the tank.. so I'll be out here if you need anything." He shut his door and filled the tank. You looked in the bags to see your favorite snacks and his of course. 'He's Handsome, nice, and thoughtful. God how did Mia even get with him.' you opened the drink he got up and opened the door, the sun was beaming through the windows.

After a while, he finished the gas and got back in. "Hey, where are we?" You asked, drinking some more. "Dallas, Texas. right now. We have to go through a ferry to get to Louisiana." He started the car. "And where is the ferry at?" You sat back. "Galveston, Texas. it's the fastest route." You nod in response.






You both finally arrived, Ethan was still on the phone with one of his buddies. You grabbed your backpack and stuffed it with snacks, but left your phone in the car, I mean you would be just getting Mia.. right?

"Alright, let's go Y/n," Ethan said while getting out. You two started walking, there were bugs everywhere you turned. "This place is creepy, what if Mia isn't even here?" Ethan grabbed your hand, this was something he did quite a lot. "We can turn back?" He said. "What, no! It's just creepy here. I'm sure it'll be fine.." You walked a bit faster. "HOLY SHIT-" You threw up. There was a cow reef, it looked like an offering. Ethan ran to you. "Are you okay?!!?" you wiped your face and then pointed at the reef. Ethan held your hand and guided you away from it. Then you and Ethan, saw a man in a yellow shirt walk past you two. "Fucks nah." You were about to walk away but Ethan grabbed your hand. "We are doing this together." You didn't want to leave Ethan alone but this place gave you the creeps. "Right.."

another time skip (Sorry for them, it's 2:35 and I just watched Resident Evil Infinite Darkness)

You arrived inside, It stunk more than it did outside. "My god, this place has mold everywhere," Ethan said under his breath. You went to open the door you came in at but it was locked. "Ethan we are locked in." He tried to unlock it but failed. Soon enough you found a tape.

Abandoned House
Vhjs156 Ik-89bv Hjkl
"Derelict House, June 1"
Dulvey Haunted House - Rehearsal

Pete: Boo! Where did you find this guy?

Andre: Give me a break, Pete.

Pete: Hey! I only work with professionals. Speaking of which, make sure the sound is right this time. I don't want a repeat of Amarillo.

Andre: That was two fucking years ago.

Pete: I don't do ADR. This new guy? I'm not feeling it.

Andre: Again?

Pete: Just don't be surprised if we have to make a change. New plan. We do a walkthrough of the inside first and shoot the intro.

Andre: Just like we always do. Just try to say the show's name this time, OK?

Pete: No problem. "Tonight on Sewer Gators, another worthless fucking shithole." Happy?

Andre: Ecstatic.

Pete: Are we rolling? Alright, let's go.

Andre: Get outta the way.

Pete: It's locked.

[Andre kicks the door out.]

Andre: After you. So, why are we in hell this time? Do you ever prep?

Pete: What's to prep? Shitty house. Spooky sounds. Ooh, is it haunted? Fuck me. I was an anchor, you know.

Andre: Weekend sub, Pete. Not anchor.

Pete: What's that?

Andre: Nothing.

Pete: What's the story, Andre? Abandoned farmhouse. Missing family. The usual. How long did you say this place had been abandoned?

Andre: Three years.

Pete: (to you) Clancy, get a shot of this. This would make a great cutaway. So, uh, Hillbilly Joe and his family go missing...

Andre: Not hillbillies. The Bakers. Jack and Marguerite Baker. And they were quiet, not backward. A lot of bad rumors about their son, Lucas. Bad seed, apparently.

Pete: Ah, shit! I knew I shouldn't have worn my good shoes. Oh, shit. Glad I had my shots. Although, that'd make a great backdrop. Andre, what do you think? Andre. Andre! Clancy, you see where Andre went? Where is he? Un-fucking-believable. This is the last time I work with that guy. I mean producers, they come and go, but a good cameraman like you, Clancy? You stick with me.

[You hear a clang as if something metallic had fallen.]

Pete: What the fuck was that? Did you hear that? Andre? Where the fuck is he? Andre, where are you, man?

[Pete finds a secret lever in the fireplace and pulls it.]

Pete: What the hell? You gotta be fucking kidding me. Alright, new deal. We find Andre and we go. I mean, fuck this show.

[You find a hole in the floor and a ladder leading to the basement.]

Pete: You first. Need a nice hero shot of me coming down the ladder. So, uh, you first.

Pete: What do you see? What is it?

[You see Andre standing back to you. You turn him over and realize that he is dead. You scream and fall on the floor, after which someone approaches you. Heart-rending screams are heard. The recording ends.]

"Holy shit.." You and Ethan say together. Soon enough you go to the fireplace, pulling the lever. And just like in the video, the wall opens. "What the fuck..." You motion for Ethan to go first, and he does then climbs down the ladder, but because your luck sucks, it breaks, leaving you stranded at the top.

"Damn it.." He says, then he holds his hands out. "Jump! I promise I'll catch you!" You hesitated. "What...What if you miss?" He laughs

"Trust me, (n/n)"

That set it off, you jumped and he caught you just like he said he would, his warm built hands holding your waist, and you two lock eye contact. 'Are we about to kiss..?' you think? Then he backs away. 'Guess not.' you yawn but it soon gets interrupted when Ethan says "MIA??" You ran to him, and there she was, laying in a fucked up room. "m-mia..?" your eyes started to water, she was your sister, and you had a funeral for her, but no. There she is... Ethan ran and found some cutting pliers. He cut the chain and you ran to her. "Mia..Mia wake up! It's me! It's Y/n" She slowly opened her eyes. "Y/n..?" Then she saw Ethan. "Ethan?!" She jumped up.


"Are you alright?" Ethan said while holding her shoulders. "You two shouldn't be here.." Mia said anxiousness filling her voice."What do you mean, you contacted us..?" You butt in. "No, no, I wouldn't. Did I? Did anyone see you? Did he see you?". "He? Who else is here? What's going on?" Ethan let go of her while she guided us to a room

"Daddy's coming. We need to go."

Word count: 2,003

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