stinglu: My secret love for you

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We were once enemies but our guilds forgave each other we were friends but now if we are friends I want to be more out of the friend zone and in a relationship a relationship with you and no one. I dream about you. I see you in my town sometimes. I wish you were with me Lucy I love you and I want to be only with you and no one else. Each time you are with someone else even if you are just friends I wish it was me I wish I am with you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Just to see you and tell you that you are mine. Lu…cy. Lucy reached her hand out to touch the figure in front of her but only grabbed his arm and saw his white sabertooth guild mark. Sting please don't go don't go. Lucy had tears in her eyes sting don't go I want you to know that I love you I love you with my heart so don't leave me! Lucy yelled then sting stopped. Lucy. Don't go please don't I want to be with you I love you. Lucy hugged him with tears in her eyes. Lucy's eyes shot open sting she yelled with tears in her eyes. she touched her heart itai lucy looked around and found herself home alone wishing that her dream was real her eyes stopped just to sting entering her window wow this is the first time I have ever seen him just by myself and no one else. Sting had looked sleepy and crawled over to lucy and stopped in front of her. Lucy why were you calling my name. Lucy blushed ano ummLucy heard a snore she looked down and saw sting in her lap sleep.

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