Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

As I walk through the hospital I can’t control my emotions. And when I see her cousins in the waiting room sobbing I feel a stab in my chest, especially because they didn’t really get along with Sky very much. I walk over to the and Nyla runs over, as I bend down and pick her up she tightly wraps her small arms around me and sobbing into my shoulder. I cry onto hers as well and Kiya and Bella also run over and hug me.

Then, to the surprise of everyone, Reno came over and joined in. Even he was crying, maybe not sobbing like everyone else, but he had tear stains and he wasn’t talking.

I set Nyla down and the three girls walked away. Reno was about to go sit with them when I pulled him to the other side of the waiting room to talk.

“What’s wrong, bud?”

“It’s just, we never really got along, and now we may never have the chance to get along. And even though it may seem like I really don’t care about anyone, she’s my older cousin and I don’t know what I would do without her. And then I feel bad because it was always my wish that she would die and now that she almost is and I see what it’s doing I don’t know why I would ever want her to be dead. She’s amazing, and funny, and smart. And she has so much going for her, like that scholarship and you…”


“And I do love her. And if she makes it through this, please, please, please don’t hurt her…”

“I love her too, so freaking much! I wouldn’t dream, of hurting her.”


Ive had this written for a while but I didn’t get to post it. Sorry. Love ya!! Also my cousin would like never say that so I was like totally laughing writing that!!

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