chapter 7

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Chapter 7

We pull up to a really nice restaurant. Ashton quickly jumps out of the car and runs around to my side to open the door for me and help me out. We enter the restaurant and the hostess take our reservations. She leads us to our table as we sit down I notice her glaring at me.

What did I do to her? People these days!

We sit down and order our drinks. Ash and I talk for a bit before the drinks come.

“So how are you liking Aussie land?” he asks trying to create small talk.

“Its way warmer weather than I’m used to but besides that I really like it here.” I state as we share smiles.

 We spend the rest of the dinner talking and having a laugh. It was really fun! That is until we got ready to leave. Someone had ticked off the paps that we were here and they came in a fair amount. I mean there wasn’t a whole lot but there was enough that we had to actually push our way through. People were yelling left and right, I had never been in a situation anything like this. Ok so I had gone to hockey games and concerts when people were crowding me and I could barely handle it then but when they were actually swarming me I was having a panic attack, I refused to show it but I was freaking out on the inside. Ashton grabbed my hand and led me to his car. When we got inside we both huffed heavily.

The rest of the night went smoothly. We drove out to a hill on the edge of the city and sat on the hood of his car looking at the lights gleaming off the city as the sun set in the distance. I got a few pictures of it to, just to add to the folder of miscellaneous photos I had accumulated over the past couple days.


The next day was a lazy one I woke up turning on some volbeat and decided to text some friends.

 To: Liyah

 Dude I miss you so much!!

From: Liyah

Miss you to. I got a surprise for you. Well your family does after the two weeks is up.

To: Liyah

Can you tell me pretty please with 12457329746502394 cherries on top?!?!?!!!?

From: Liyah

Nope. Sowwy. Kk gtg Cora and Paige are over.

To: Liyah

Fine. Bye.


To: Jess

Perfect (Ashton Irwin)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang