chapter 4

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Chapter 4

We pulled inform of the house and I ran inside to my room. I luckily got the master bedroom with the on suite master bathroom to myself. They figured since I was the reason we were here for my grad I should get the master. Plus I kinda sweet talked.

I stripped down and got into the shower after locking the bedroom, and bathroom doors, and headed into the shower. It’s morning now because the time difference and the super long flight. And it actually felt like morning ‘cause I actually slept on the plane, which is unusual.

I hopped out, brushing my hair letting it go into its natural waves and got changed into my ripped denim shorts, and Ramones muscle tee, tying my red flannel around my waist, and put on my white converse. I applied eyeliner and mascara grabbing my stacked bracelets and iPhone 5c with its punk Ariel case along with my eos lip balm.

I walked out of the room heading down stairs and go to sit on the front porch to play on my phone and admire the different scenery.

I look up when I hear my name being called. I look around noticing four tall slender figures motioning me over from the yard over. I yell to inside to house saying I’d be back in a bit.

I walk over to the boys smiling at them.

“Sup?” I say.

“Hello.” Ashton says grinning like an idiot.

“What cha up to?” I ask.

“We were wondering if you would want to come get Starbucks and hang out with us.”

“Sure.  I’ll go ask.”

I walk back inside and up to my mom. “Mommy can I go get Starbucks with some friends I made.” I ask giving her giving her puppy dog eyes know she can’t resist them and me calling her mommy.

“Sure sweetie. Just be back before dark.”

“Kay thanks mom love you.” I say grabbing the money from her hand before running upstairs to grab some of the money, my dad told me not to tell her he had given me, then run out the door being thankful my mom is so easy going.

I run up to the boys and tell them it’s all good. Then we all hop into Ash’s car and drive off. The boys let me sit shot gun saying that I was a guest so I should sit up front.

“You know I wish my guy friends back home were this nice.” I laugh at the thought of all my friends back home.

We walk into the Starbucks thankful no teenage girls were there just a few middle aged people. We all order and sit down waiting and start talking.

“Let me see your phone.” Ashton says.

I unlock my phone handing it to him. He them passes it back with four new contacts and messages to them all leaving open to the message to ‘Ash <3’. I giggle as I lock my phone just as my name is called.

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