Chapter 14

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(A/N listen to the video I have linked while reading like ugh the feels. It only affects part of the first bit but oh well.)

"IM SORRY THAT THIS IS MY JOB!" The passive aggressive tone making my eyes prick with tears.

"IM SORRY I CARE!" I scream back.


At that I hung up. It had been three weeks here without hearing from Ash. So I decided to call him. When he answered it all went downhill from there, we instantly started fighting, I don't even know how it all started. It was kinda just a flash.

*2 hrs later*

From: Ash <3

Babe. Im sorry. The boys were being stupid and I wasn't in a good mood and i just flipped over nothing. Pls forgive me. L

To: Ash <3

Its ok. I was just I was kinda taken off guard.

From: Ash <3

R u a volcano?

To: Ash <3

I am kinda hot ;)

From: Ash <3


To: Ash <3

Kk gooooo lol

From: Ash <3

R u a volcano?

From: Ash <3

Bc I lava you!!

To: Ash <3

I lava you 2!

Our conversation went on for a little while longer before I got called out to the living room saying that people were here. When I walked out I saw an older looking man that had been losing the hair on the top of his head, the hair that remained on the sides was a light but shimmery grey. Beside him was a boy, about the same age as me. He was wearing tattered clothing. He was cute, but not well cared for. You could tell by looking at him.

"Sky, this is Keagan. He's your twin brother."

"K... WAIT WHAT?!?"

I knew I was supposed to be a twin. I didn't know I was one.

Taking a closer look at Keagan, I realized we did look fairly alike. The same blue eyes, and blonde hair. Both tall, but not overly lanky. Same small but defined features. The only difference was the genders I guess.

*2 weeks later*

Considering we had been spending a lot of time together, since he had moved in with us as my parents took guardianship of him again, Keagan and I have become really close. I had found out we liked a lot of the same stuff and that when we were little we did know each other, we just thought we were cousins, then we lost contact. But his adoptive parents, my aunt and uncle from Ontario, had passed recently he had come back to be with us.

At first I thought it would be a nuisance, but he was really cool. We had gone to a couple movies. He got along with all my friends brothers.

We went and got ice cream and realized that we had the same problem with it, we liked it so much we couldn't chose a favourite flavour, so we both just got four scoops so we could have a couple different flavours.

As we were eating our ice cream I got a call from ash.

"Hey, babe!"

"Don't 'hey babe' me! I know what you're up too!"

"What do you mean?"

"That guy you've been hanging out with." I could just see him roll his eyes.

"You mean my new found, twin brother."

"But the pictures on twitter..."

"I'll send you a pic of the two of us, and you can tell me if we aren't related."

As I sent him the photo I stayed on the phone with him so we could continue talking right away.

"Fine." I smirk as he says that. "I love you."

"I Love you too, loser."


Wasn't that cute!

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