Chater 15

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"I believe the universe want to be noticed. I think the universe is inprobably based biased towards the consciousness, that it rewards intelligence in part that the universe enjoys its elegance being observed. And who am I, living in the middle of history, to tell the universe that it-or my observation of it-is temporary?"

"You're a nerd!" Ashton laughs. We are currently skyping. I'm sitting on my bed reading 'The Fault in Our Stars', while he's stalking twitter on his phone. We do this often lately, I find it cute, seeing as its kinda the only way we get to 'hang out'.

"I may be a nerd, but, I'm YOUR nerd." I smirk. "Plus, I'm a cute nerd."

"That you are." He laughs again. Once we figured everything out we were fine again.

"313 pages..."

"Not again." He shakes his head.

"We don't meet Augustus till page 8..."

"Why do I love this girl?!?"

"He does not speak until page 11..."

"You're cute."

"He leaves us on page 261..."

"NO! AUGUSTUS WHY?!?" Ash says just above his speaking voice as we both fake cry, before it turns into laughing.

"K, stop I need to finish what I was saying." I say trying to stifle my laugh. "That's 253 pages from when we meet him until he leaves us... and within those 253 pages he is physically inn 172 of them... And that's all it took. 172 pages for us all to fall in love with Augustus Waters. And none of us will be the same again." I finish taking a small bow as Ashton speaks again.

"That was deep."


"How are you going to live?" Ash asks with a fake surprized look.

"I shall continue to live because I love you."

"Good! I don't know what I would do without you." Shaking his head he chuckled.

"Obviously, you would die. I mean I'm pretty amaze-ballz." I say cockily.

"SKY, SHUT UP! IT'S LATE!" Keagan yells through the wall. Mom and dad had gone to Edmonton for a shopping day and spent the night there so we were home alone.

"K, baby, I should go."


"Okay." I laugh, knowing he's only doing this because he thinks it's funny, he hasn't even read the book or watched the movie. When we meet up again he's going to watch it. "I love you present tense."

"Uh...ok. Night."


A couple minutes later I head out to my car to go to the store and buy some snacks because I'm starving and I don't think I'll be going to sleep anytime soon.

As I round the corner the tires spin on the ice. By the time I come to a complete stop I see headlights approaching fast on my left side. Next thing I knew I felt nothing, saw nothing, was nothing.


Well then... PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!!! Trust me tho I have this all planned out so yea...

Perfect (Ashton Irwin)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora