Into the Deep

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They stood at the top a dark staircase leading deep into the ground.

Eliza stared at the stone walls as if they would come to life and attack them. "Are we ready for this?"

Percy held a similar expression. "Nope." He looked at the others. "Let's go."

The trudged single file down the stairs onto the darkness. The corridor lead them deeper and deeper into the ground, farther into Gaia's territory. Eliza wasn't surprised that giants would hide down here. They'd be well protected.

Suddenly, the narrow passage opened into a large cylindrical chamber with nine alcoves in the wall.

"A Nymphaeum." Eliza surveyed the elegantly haunting room.

"A what?" Percy stared at one of the alcoves.

Eliza gazed up at the ceiling high above. "A temple to the nymphs." She ran a hand along the wall. "It was almost like a home for them. People built them and invited nymphs to move in."

"What's the catch?" Jason examined the chamber warily. "There's always a catch with these kinds of things."

Out of nowhere, a shriveled figure appeared in one of the alcoves. "The catch is... that we are trapped." More mangled corpse-like figures appeared in the other alcoves.

Eliza stared at the bedraggled creatures. "Crud."

The lead nymph, Hagno, surveyed her prey with great interest. "You will give us rain." Her eyes moved from Jason to Percy. "You will give us limitless water." She eyed Piper enviously. "You will give us youth."  Finally, she turned to Eliza, her eyes flashing ravenously. "You will give us life and power beyond imagining."

The stairs sealed themselves off and dark water bubbled out of the middle of the room. With an evil cackle, the desecrated nymphs disappeared.

The black waters lapped across the floor towards them.

"They're flooding the room." Eliza's back bumped the wall.

Jason glanced back at the alcoves. "Climb!"

They pulled themselves into the first alcove, but the water followed close behind, rising quickly to meet them.

The minute the cold liquid reached her, Eliza felt like the warmth was leaving her body in waves. As it passed her knees, she collapsed against Jason. The water was draining her strength, her power, her life.

"I'll look for a way out." Percy dove down before almost immediately bursting back out of the water, coughing and hacking. "That's not normal water. I... I can't breathe." He was also noticeable wet.

"They're draining our powers." Piper spoke through chattering teeth.

The water was up to their chests.

"Swim." Jason looped an arm around Eliza's shivering body. She could barely move. The water was sucking everything out of her.

The ceiling rushed closer.

Desperate, Eliza closed her eyes, trying to think of anything but her impending doom. Jason's previous birthdays came to mind - the two of them running away from responsibility to just be kids for one day.

"Guys!" Piper's voice drew Eliza's attention back to the present. "I have an idea. We have to pour all our good emotions into the cornucopia. It'll spray out clean water."

"Enough to counteract all this?" Percy splashed aside the black water.

"I don't know." Piper admitted. "But it's our only chance."

"Together." Jason placed his hand on the cornucopia.

Eliza and Percy did the same. "Together."

As one, they poured all of their good memories, their good emotions into the horn of plenty. Pleasantly cool clean water came shooting out of it, filling the room faster.

Eliza tried not to panic. Ever since that day in Chicago, when she, Jason, Leo, and Piper had faced Medea, she'd been afraid of drowning. That sensation of water filling your lungs, the shock of realizing there was no air to breathe, the helplessness of not being able to scream. Willing herself to ignore her fear, Eliza sucked in one last breath before the water overtook her. She kept her eyes squeezed tightly shut, focusing on the few good memories she had.

Suddenly, the water level plummeted. Jason pulled her to the surface, their heads bursting out of the water at the same time.

Eliza gulped down the air, relief blossoming in her chest like a warm fire. She felt her strength returning and vitality coursing through her veins.

The nymphs reappeared their youth and beauty returned. "Thank you." Hagno smiled down at the four half-bloods. "In gratitude for this incredible gift, we shall tell you where the giants are hiding."
* * *
They stepped out of the tunnel into an empty chamber except for the large sealed jar on the opposite side of the room.

"No way it's that easy." Eliza scanned the room suspiciously.

"At least one of you has some sense." A platform lowered from the ceiling, revealing one of the twin giants - Ephialtes - his green hair cascading down his back.

The other giant - Otis - emerged from the shadows, his purple hair pulled back with a coarse rope. "You're just in time for the main event."

So... we have like 1 or 2 chapters left in Mark of Athena. 😆😆😆
I really appreciate all the support you guys have given. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 🥰🥰🥰
Hope you enjoyed.
Until next time.

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