journal entry 110

245 20 5

day 110 10:64 pm

I kissed Michael.

I don't know how it happened or what lead up to it, all I remember is I was watching him play a game, and he got all excited once he finished something.

He looked so cute.

His eyes brightened up and he got all cheery and his smile was so wide and genuine.

So, I leaned in and cupped his cheek, pressing my lips softly to the corner of his lips first, waiting for his reaction.

He calmed down from his high of excitement and I took that opportunity to kiss him properly.

He kissed back.

I'm still at his house right now, but he's playing video games again and I'm laying on his bed.

He's got a nice room. It's messy, but not too bad. There's a few posters up, but there's more on the floor. I wonder if he is planning to re decorate his room.

He asked me to join him in his game, so I'm going to try.

Maybe things will be okay.


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