journal entry 109

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so i clearly didn't update like i said i was going to and im sorry  but ive had a lot going on so thank you for being patient


Day 109 7:32 am

I pretended to be sick so I could stay home today, and I dont plan on doing much besides sleep and maybe go on a walk but that's it.

Michael also texted me around 1am and asked if I could call him. I couldnt, because if mum would've heard she would've killed me and took away my phone. So we just texted.

He said his mum called him and that she isn't doing good, at all. Like he was scared after the call and he's worried.

I just talked to him for an hour before falling asleep on my phone.

It sucks when you're trying to help someone who doesn't know how to accept it.

He says he's getting better, but he's acting off so I don't think he is.

I guess I'll have to wait until I see him again, even though I'm kind of dreading it.

I'll write later.



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