journal entry 103&104

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Day 103 - 4:53pm

Michael didn't show up to school today. Ashton made jokes all day long saying things like:

'Oh I bet he killed himself'

I'm not very happy right now.

Of course, I just laughed along with Ashton, but I was extremely uncomfortable. When Taylor found out I was laughing about it, she avoided me the rest of the day.

Some random girl walked up to me and asked, "don't you realize that hanging out with Ashton is causing you to lose all your friends?"

She's right isn't she?

Well, I need to figure some things out. But right now I'm gonna shower and then sleep. I hope Michael is at school tomorrow.

Day 104- 6:42am

Mum is driving me to school today, which means I got to sleep in.

Michael was at school yesterday, but once again, he said nothing.

When he saw me, he would turn and go the opposite way or disappear behind a crowd of people. I saw him maybe 3 times the entire day.

Mum just came in my room and told me to hurry up because she has a tutoring session this morning with Michael.

I don't think I want to see him this early.



next chapter is michael's pov !!

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