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I woke up Monday morning to my dog licking my face. I groaned and rolled over, looking at the time.

6:32 am

I had a half an hour to get ready.

I only missed three days but I know I will have quite of bit of work to make up and I'm not really looking forward to that.

By 7, I still wasn't dressed so I hurried up and threw on black skinny jeans and a black long sleeved shirt, grabbing my things and hurrying down the stairs, also trying to put on my shoes at the same time.

I ran out the door and down the road to the bus stop.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took it out.

It was from Michael.

We exchanged numbers at the hospital, just incase.

'have a good day' was all it said.

I looked up from my phone over at his house across the road where he stood on the porch. He waved and I waved back, looking down the street as the bus rolled down the bumpy dirt road. 

Just as I sat down on the bus, my phone buzzed again and I looked down at it, a small chuckle escaping my lips.

'by the way, your zipper is undone'

****(I've been doing a lot of these haven't i? oops)

I walked into the school, my headphones in my ears blasting Good Charlotte.

I didn't really want to talk to Ashton today, or anyone for that matter.

So I'm glad when he walked past me in the hallway,  completely ignoring me.

"Luke!" I heard Taylor's voice from behind me and I turned around, stepping to the side of the hallway.


"I just thought I would let you know that I'm moving back to Adelaide tomorrow.." she says and I frown slightly.

"Why?" I ask.

We walked together and she explained that her sister is getting in too much trouble here so her family wants to move and "start over."

She walked right by my side before Calum and Ashton came into view, and that's when she turned on her heel and walked the other way.

I was too busy and confused, watching her walk away to notice that I was about to bump right into Calum.

He pushed at my chest and I stumbled back a bit, and a foot beneath mine caused me to fall onto my bum.

Thankfully I somewhat caught myself, but now everyone was staring and I was on the ground with Calum and Ashton towering over me.

"Queer." Ashton snickered and kicked me once, straight to the ribs.

I curled over in pain and Calum took that chance to kick me again. 

What the hell is happening?

I stood up and picked up my stuff, running towards the boys room, trying my hardest not to cry.

Not only was I upset but I was angry.

Calum told Ashton. He broke his promise.

"Luke it's okay... I don't think of you any differently."

"You can't tell anyone," I say with a pleading tone.

"I wont." He responded, holding out his pinky. "I promise." he says and I link my pinky with his.

Now the entire school is going to know I'm gay. I wouldn't have a problem with it besides the fact that the people at this school are homophobic jerks.

I don't know what I did wrong.

I walked out of the bathroom and down the hall towards my locker. I passed Michael's locker in time to see Ashton slipping a piece of paper inside of it.

I sighed and continued to my locker before going to my first hour class, sitting next to Michael's empty seat.


i feel like this is really bad idk.

feedback is really appreciated, by the way.
comment for cake, vote for muke.


have a good day.

plus almost 1k reads (:

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