journal entry 98

562 31 12

Day 98 - 3:48pm

It's been 98 days since Jack has gone. 103 since Ben. All I can say is everything is getting worse. Ever since Taylor started hooking up with Calum more, she's beginning to not talk to me.

I bet Calum told her to stay away from me.

She will stop by me in the hallway in private and tell me she will come around to my place that night and she never shows.

On the bright side, Ashton was explaining some things to me.

Why would anyone want to be 'friends with benefits?' That sounds horrid. And disrespectful to not only yourself, but the other person.

How could anyone have sexual intercourse before marriage?

Ashton also told me to just say sex.

Oh, I think mum is home. I'm going to ask her if I can call Jack.

Till next time, Luke.


Mum told me no. So I left the house and hung out with Ashton for a bit.

He was smoking, I was watching the cars drive by his driveway.

"So, heard from Taylor?" he asked and smudged his cigarette on the ground.

"Nope." I said and he laughed. I was confused. He further explained that Calum had massive hickeys at school today. I wouldn't know. Nor do I care.

Mum shouted for me. She told me she got a call from school today.

My straight A's have now fallen to B's and even a C. She took away my phone.

I just want to sleep.

Well, I'm gonna do that.



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