journal entry 108

293 26 5

day 108 4:43pm

I don't think I can even put into words how bad today was. Not only did my ex-best friend and my so called "friend" turn their backs on me and start bullying me, but I also failed my history test.

Mum is mad. Like, really mad.

I know she would understand more if I told her what happened with Calum and Ashton but I just can't.

Michael texted me and asked what I was doing tonight and I still haven't replied.

I feel bad, but I also don't want to just become best friends with someone I bullied for no reason. It doesn't seem right.

My ribs hurt and I have a splitting headache so I'm going to take some medicine and lay down.

Until next time,



woah what an update :o

i have just been busy with stuff lately and i kept forgetting to update. i will update again tomorrow since this is short as heck

but yeah (:


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