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I knew this would happen again.

I knew I would regret coming to this school, I knew it would be just like the last.

But even there I wasn't physically abused, like what Luke Hemmings does to me.

It's weird though, after he says something or does something to me, he looks sad and I wonder why, I mean I'm the one being beat up, not him.

Today is also the first day I'm going into school early for tutoring with Mrs. Hemmings, but I think I'm going to skip.

I know Luke will be there, and I can't deal with him this early.

I didn't go to school 2 days ago because I just didn't have any motivation to get out of bed, I wanted to sleep forever. And so I did. Okay, forever meaning until 2 in the afternoon but still.

When I went to school yesterday, everyone was looking at me weird and whispering.

Later in the day I found out that everyone thought I was dead.

Ashton started a rumour that I offed myself.

He also tripped me in the hallway yesterday and I fell, dropping all of my stuff. I cried so hard not to cry but it really hurt.

Then he proceeded to follow me home and watch me walk inside before leaving. It really scares me that he knows where I live, because I know he's friends with Luke.


I begged mum to let me stay home but she wouldn't give in, so now I'm sat on the floor of the boys toilets, hoping to god that Mrs. Hemmings or Luke will not come and find me.

Unfortunately, god isn't on my side today.

I heard the door creak open and looked under the door to see a pair of black Vans.

"Michael?" I cringed at the sound of Luke's voice and put my hands over my ears, pulling my knees up to my chest and squeezing my eyes shut.

"I know you're in there." he says, obviously moving closer and I hold my breath.

"Go away, Luke." I mutter.

Those are the first words I've ever said to him.

He fell silent for a moment and I almost thought he left, until I looked again and saw his shoes in the same spot.

"I'm sorry, Michael." he says, barely audible to me since my hands were still covering my ears.

I uncovered them just in time to hear the door creak open, and looked under the stall just in time to see his black Vans disappear.


please vote and/or comment and tell me how you like the story :-) i know im updating a lot but that's just because i probably won't be able to update for awhile after this

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