Chapter 21: Heading to Dent

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Robin's POV

Me and Batman are in the batmobile. We are on our way to help Gordon and Dent.

Batman: Alfred.

Alfred: You two alright?

Robin: Yeah. But they knew we were coming.

Batman: They seem to be getting info on the GCPD's whereabouts. Not sure how. I need a update on Harvey.

Alfred: I'm bringing it up now.

We hear what's going on.

Harvey: Deborah, get down!

Debora: Mr. Dent! What did you do to him?

Harvey: I said get back in the car! There's more of them coming!

Gordon: Put down your weapons!

We hear gunshots.

Gordon: There's too many of 'em! Everybody take cover!

Alfred: You'd better get down there.

Batman: On my way.

We arrive at the scene. There were cop cars. And the police was around the site. We see a dead thug, we also see Harvey with bloody hands. He was also wearing a half face mask, probably to cover up his burns. Gordon is also with him.

Cop: Self-defense he says. New mayor's pretty tough, turns out. Killed one of those guys attacking him with his bare hands.

Robin: Dent did that?

Cop: Guess the fella's lucky Dent got to him before you two did, huh?

Batman: If you have something to say then say it.

Cop: We all know how you operate. You like to see them hurt don't you? They're not dead, but they wish they were. At least this one died quick.

The cop walks away.

Gordon: We got our asses handed to us.

Robin: They knew you were coming.

Gordon: How? We've been using a secure channel... You saying we got a leak?

He gets on his radio.

Gordon: Gordon to command. Anyone there?

We hear that through one of the thugs radios.

Cop: Command here. What is it, Gordon?

We also hear that.

Batman: Turn that off!

Gordon: What?

Batman: It's been compromised. The Children of Arkham are listening in on the GCPD's communications.

Cop: Gordon! Gordon, come in! Do you copy?

Batman takes the radio and puts a drive in it.

Batman: I'm gonna look into this. I'll let you know what I find.

We get back in the batmobile and drive away. We call Alfred.

Alfred: Bruce? Y/N?

Robin: The GCPD's been compromised. The Children of Arkham were listening the whole time.

Alfred: How?

Batman: That's what we're going to find out. I'm sending over evidence of... Some kind of encrypted communications signal.

Alfred: It's coming up on my screen now, but I'm afraid it looks like a bunch of gibberish to me.

Batman: I need to go to Wayne Tower and look into this. Get me Lucius on the line.

Alfred: Yes, right away. If the public finds out the police aren't able to communicate...

Robin: We're gonna fix this, Alfred. We'll make it right. We just have to stay focused.

Alfred: I admire your determination, Y/N. Just be careful you two. I have Lucius on the line now.

Lucius: Bruce, Y/N, are you there? I'm looking at this data Alfred sent me. It's... messy.

Batman: We have to know what the Children of Arkham are doing. How fast can you decrypt?

Lucius: It's a tough one... But I should have it cracked soon, if you can meet me at Wayne Tower.

Batman: Already on our way.

I get a text on my phone. It's from Barbara.

Barbara: Hey Y/N, do you wanna hang out?

I reply

Y/N: Sure! I would love to.

I look at Batman.

Robin: Barbara wants me to hang out with her. I can be with her while you handle business at Wayne Enterprise.

Batman: Gordon's kid? Yeah, sure.

Robin: Thanks.

Batman pulls over, I get out.

Robin: Keep me updated.

Batman: I will.

I then grapple away.

Batman: The Telltale Series (Male Reader Robin)Where stories live. Discover now