Chapter 31: Batman Vs Penguin

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Batman's POV

I make it to Wayne Enterprises. There are COA members and drones around. Lucius was able to guide me to my office. I kick the door open. Knocking one of the COA members out.

COA member 1: Hey! It's the Bat!

COA member 2: You're a dead man!

Penguin: Well if it ain't the biggest, bleeding, pleasure to see your sour mug again.

Batman: Gloat while you can, Cobblepot. I'm taking you down.

Penguin: Yeah, I don't think so. In fact I think it's you who's gonna get beat by me.

Batman: That's not happening. You're outmatched here. Give up.

Penguin: Oh, is that what you think? What, because of those fancy gadgets? And I don't see your little bird friend anywhere. You know, I like your style Batman, I really do. But you're really starting to be a pain in the ass. The Children of Arkham are going to walk all over the city and there ain't anyone who can stop us! Not even you!

Batman: Spare me the chatter, Cobblepot.

Penguin: This has been in the making for a long, long time.

I use my cowl to scan around, I start to plan my attack, but then the tech started glitching.

Penguin: Ohhh I see. It helps you plan things out ahead of time. Neat trick, though. Pretty flashy for someone who only wears black.

Batman: How—?

Penguin: Not just for fashion. It's very functional.

Penguin presses a button on his monocle. The tech turns off.

Penguin: Face it, Batman. You're outmatched! Without your tech, you're just a man in a pointy-eared costume. You can't stop us.

Batman: Watch me!

I get out my grapple gun, I shoot a chair, and brought it over to me, knocking one of the COA members off his feet. I then run at the other COA member, he starts shooting at me, I use my arm to block the shots, I then disarm him and slam his face on the checkers board.

Penguin: Come on, Batman! Show me what you got!

I jump on the office desk and jumped toward Penguin, Penguin moved out of the way.

Penguin: My turn!

His drone flies into me, knocking me into the elevator to Lucius's lab. Penguin gets in and hits the down button, the elevator starts falling down fast.

Penguin: You're pathetic!

I start punching him in the face repeatedly. The elevator stops at Lucius's lab. Penguin gets up and walking towards the computer in pain. He makes it to the computer.

Penguin: Yeah, that little beauty is almost done hacking your precious network.

I see a little computer.

Lucius: That's the device!

I get up and slowly walk towards Penguin.

Penguin: Few more minutes... All your secrets are mine.

Batman: I will stop you before that happens.

Penguin sees gauntlets at the work bench, he puts them on.

Penguin: Oh, is this how it feels when you put on that suit? I like it!

I try to punch him, he blocks and punches me in the chest. I go for another punch, he dodges and palms me in the stomach. He grabs the back of my neck, he tries to punch me in the stomach again, but I block. I block his next punch, then punch him in the face. He then punches me in the face. I feel blood coming down my nose. He punches me in the face again, sending me flying to the wall. I get out a Bat-Stunner, but there's no electricity.

Penguin: Haven't you heard yet? I've shut you down! I'm the one with the toys now, Batman.

He tries to punch me, I move out of the way, but then he uppercuts me, sending me flying towards the work bench. I slowly start getting up.

Penguin: This is the start of a new legacy, and I'm afraid you don't have any place in it.

I see a wench on the work bench, I grab it. Penguin tries to punch me, I move out the way, I then hit his arm with the wench. I then kick his leg, putting him on his knee, I then swing the wench at his face, knocking off his monocle, and leaving a cut on his check. He then knocks the wench out of my hand, he punches me in the face two times. When he tries to punch me again, I grab his arm, take off his gauntlet, throw it at the wall, then throw his arm down, making him flip to the ground. He grabs a hammer and gets up. He swings at me two times with the hammer, I dodge both swings, the third swing, I grab his arm and take the hammer from him, I swing, he ducks. He tries to punch me, but I dodge. I hit him in the chest with the hammer. He tries to hit me with his other gauntlet, I hit his gauntlet using the hammer, which breaks his arm.

Penguin: You absolute, bastard!

I then swing my leg into his, breaking it and making Penguin fall down, he clutches his leg.

Penguin: AAAARH! You psycho!

Batman: It's done, Cobblepot! Your revolution is over! It started with you and it ends with Lady Arkham!

Penguin: Good luck! You'll never find her in time!

I grab his neck and and pick him up.

Batman: Where is she! What is she planning?!

Penguin: The message is the same as it's ever been! We will open your eyes! This city's hypocrisy will be exposed!

I punch him in the stomach.

Batman: Tell me where to find her!

Penguin: Piss off!!

I slam him on the ground, he tries to crawl away from me, I stomp on the back of his head, knocking him out. I then walk towards Penguins computer, I grab the hammer and swing it down. I've stopped Penguin from compromising my tech.

Batman: I hope Robin and Alfred are safe.

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