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CJ carefully opened the boxes he had kept away in the storage room. The dust made him sneeze even after his attempts to wave them away.
He saw all Shona's belongings scattered all over from a few clothes to shoes. He had given out most of them. After the funeral he could not bring himself to keep them in the master bedroom but choose to put them away.
He saw some of the beautiful jewelry and perfumes he had bought for her on their anniversary. His heart was breaking but he had to find out what else was Shona hiding. He moved the boxes over and he saw a painting his father had painted of them both as a wedding gift. His father surprised them after confessing that it had taken a bigger part of him stealing one of their photo In order to get it done.
His eyes misted over the kind gesture of his father.
"I miss you dad." He whispered.
He moved it aside as he rummaged through the remaining boxes only to find a beautiful  wooden box with carvings in the side. It was brown and had a lock. He remembered how much he never bothered with it respecting Shona's privacy. He jiggled the lock with no avail. He stood to find the a hammer and he hit it severally.
Finally with a glee he was able to break. He felt guilty but he pushed the thoughts away.
Inside he found two diaries and a photo album with a few letters.
He opened the album to see a young Shona together with her family. He laughed at her toothless grin.
He saw her first day in school and giggled at her sad face. He saw her holding her little brother.
He passed from one photo to another with laughter and mirth at her ridiculous sunglasses. How puberty had affected her pretty face.
Her birthdays and awards and so much she didn't find necessary to share.
He put that aside and took one of the diary. He opened to see her first entry that was back in college when she had joined campus.
He thought this as a crime but he did not let the thought linger much longer and went on to read her secrets. He was amazed at how lively and optimistic she was about life and her love for humanity especially children.
Then he came to page with entry of her love life. He froze but pushed on.
'On this day I met a guy. He is way out of my league but for the first time I felt pretty from the way he stared at me. He oozes of danger and my heart screams I should ran away but I don't seem to listen. He has captured my attention and he intrigues.
He shook my hand and I was like a mute girl.
I hope to see him tomorrow. I hope he asks me out or better yet ask for my number.
His name is Reth Malik. "
CJ shut the book quickly thinking of how insane it was to read her love life.
He remembered her mentioning him as the dived into their past dating life but only for a fleeting moment.
He now wanted to know more.
He went on.
"I saw him today. I was over excited that I  ended up spilling my tea over my books that I  was pretending to read. He came and sat where I was and he smiled at me. Did I fail to mention how his big brown eyes and smile made him more appealing? I froze for a second and I thought all those cheesy romantic movies were happening in real life.
He laughed at my frantic efforts to wipe the tea. He waited patiently until  I was done. He stayed for a few seconds before sliding a paper for me to put my number. I wrote it with shaking hands.
I was totally embarrassed.
CJ was done reading for the day when a cautious Olive walked holding a phone.
He answered as they walked out of the room.
"Hey Nora,what's up?" He inquired.
"It is Jade, she has gone into labour and I am heading to the hospital." She explained.
"Okay,I will meet you there." He said as he moved to find his jacket and keys.
He hung up the phone.
He went to open the door but turned towards the sad Olive.
"Hey,come here." He called her and sat her on the couch.
"Listen,about earlier I am sorry. I was just upset. Forgive me?" He asked.
Olive cracked  a smile after reading the whole text.
"You are forgiven." She wrote back.
"Thank you,you will always be my Bunnie and I love you okay?" He replied.
"I love you too." She wrote and gave it back.
"I am going to the hospital for Jade is there. Her baby is coming and I will take you to see her soon." CJ wrote quickly for he knew she was too smart for her age to understand.
"Okay. Please tell her that I am going to be the best baby sitter to the little one and that I love them." She replied.
CJ smiled and left her with Mumbi.
As he brought the car to life he prayed for a safe delivery.
They all waited in the lobby as Rick talked with one of the nurses.
"After all this is over,I would love to take you on a dinner." CJ suggested.
Nora turned to him with a small smile,"don't you think you picked the wrong time to ask me out?" Nora almost laughed as her nerves were a wreck. She could not handle losing another sister.
"Well,is there a right time?" CJ tried to ease the tension.
"Okay! Dinner it is." She agreed as turned away towards Rick who seemed nervous.
"What is going on?" She asked him.
"Turns out that her preterm has put her at a high risk. The baby is going to be born earlier than expected. She is at risk Nora bear. Both are." His eyes misted.
Nora moved to hold his hand while CJ patted his shoulders.
"I cannot lose her,this is not our first baby and I have seen how it tore her when she lost the last three pregnancies. Her health deteriorated and she has gone through so much." He confessed to two people he had come to accept as family.
"I have agreed to a C-section to try and save both." He explained.
"Hey it is alright. I know it is moment like this our faith is tested. I am a surgeon and I know most people don't survive out of sheer luck but by God's mercies. We are going to pray and trust God." CJ comforted his friend.
They walked towards the waiting area near the labour room.
CJ opened his phone to his Bible app to read a scripture. He opened to the book of Hebrews.
"Hebrews 11:1 says that now faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen." He read it to Rick as he nodded.
"Our faith is not based on things we can see but on God who has the power to deliver and heal. Let's pray." He spoke as they held each others hands. Nora held his hand to her right and Rick to her left and bowed their heads.
"Lord Jesus I thank you for my friends and family. I thank you for Jade and her unborn child. Lord we ask for safe delivery and health for both of them. Lord we pray that she has the best team in there Lord as you are with her now. Father we have faith in you Lord that she will be fine together with her child. We ask not as we wish but as you will for you have all the power and might to keep her from harm's way. In Jesus mighty name we pray and believe." CJ ended his prayer as Nora chorused an Amen.
"It is going to be okay." CJ reassured.
Rick mouthed thank you as they waited for the good news.

THE WIDOWER.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora