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Nora was flustered not because of the case but of the man he had met that evening. She had moved to the kitchen to help Jade with dinner and setting the table but the truth is she was avoiding the handsome stranger.
"Handsome? You think he is handsome." That inner voice asked incredulously.
She knew she needed to put her guard up for she was not ready for what her heart was bending towards.
He was dark handsome with sharp jaw lines that gave him a mystery yet a sense of trustworthiness. Her instincts told her he was among the rare kind of men.
He had a small gush on his right brow and he was tall even for her as she knew she was tall to begin with her five eight height did not abode well for she stood out among her peers.
"What do you think of CJ?" Jade asked making Nora spin around too fast.
"What about him?" She asked very fast than intended.
"He has a calm spirit and I know for sure he is single. A surgeon and he is very attractive you can deduce that." Jade said with a glee that Nora could not miss as enthusiasm for the prospect of her and him dating.
" He is okay and I do not care if he is single." Nora answered nonchalantly.
Nora was lying through her teeth for she was interested in who he might be.
They moved to set bowls and plates on the table avoiding his gaze.
She did not know why she was behaving like a schoolgirl with a crush. Jade set the tantalizing chicken curry and vegetable rice.
"I am sorry about the delay but let's say the grace and dig in." Jade announced.
"Dear Lord we thank you for your provisions and our guests today. Amen." Jade concluded the grace as everyone acknowledged.
They served their food with little conversations.
Nora was so self conscious that she ate too little out of the thought the man in the room. Her mind was whispering wickedly to how good he looked. She could feel his gaze most of the time they ate.
She hated when someone stared at her for a long time but Jade was distracting him with questions about his travel while Daniel spoke about his adventure as a photographer and his travel around some countries in Africa and he had opened a studio in town that was art gallery.
Nora noted how CJ kept playing with his fork when Daniel spoke about his adventure. He looked guilty.
"Let's say we take our drinks as we discuss the elephant in the room?" Jade asked as Daniel offered to help leaving Nora and CJ.
"Tell me about yourself Nora." CJ spoke calmly.
It was the way he looked at her that showed genuine curiosity that made her smile, "what exactly do you want to know?"
"Anything you feel comfortable to spill." CJ said with a chuckle. Nora stared at him. Usually she was not one who found it necessary to speak about who she is and what she does.
"I am an officer working with the criminal investigation department. Though not many know so. Most people think I work as a police officer or in the government offices." She said with a smile. She did not know why she was being straight forward with this stranger.
"It is because you like him already." The evil voice whispered maliciously
"Ooh! Does Danny know about your profession?" He asked as his eyes glistened with mirth.
"No! He does not and let us keep it that way." She said with a wink.
This was getting out of hand. She was not one was easily swayed but it seems that CJ brought out some part of her she hid well.
"Yeah! Sure of cause." CJ said with a laughter. He had a genuine laughter laced with admiration.
"What about you?" Nora asked.
"I am a doctor, a surgeon to be honest though I never tell people that part because I find no need and at times I forget." CJ answered honestly.
"We share something common in our careers, they can be intimidating." Nora said with a grin.
"Why was it so easy to speak to CJ?" She asked her self that question and found no answer. He had a warm smile that made her want to blush.
"Come on! You are not a teenager!" She chided herself.
Jade came with a tray with a jug of juice and a kettle.
Danny came around and sat.
They all sipped their glass of juice as Jade started to strike the most important thing that had brought CJ there.
"CJ, my friend Nora may help you with the case so feel free to talk and let's see how we can help you." Jade said in a semi serious voice.
" A week ago I flew in the country. That night I could not sleep because of the heavy rains or maybe it was the fact that I was back home after a long time. Outside my home I saw a body afloat. Turned out to be an unconscious girl."
CJ paused to watch Nora's reaction but instead of panic or alarm she was calm and waiting for him to go on.
"The girl was unconscious when I took her in. I checked for bruises or anything unusual and found some deep cuts and injuries. I panicked thinking that it was more than that." CJ paused looking at his audience.
"Nothing outward had happened. Her bruises mostly were out of abuse that she had probably gone through and others were from slipping and falling into a rocky place or in a river I deduced. I took care of her until she regained her consciousness." CJ ended with a lighter tone.
Jade was wiping her tears as she sobbed, " blame the hormones but that is so horrible." She stood and left the room to go wash her face.
"What's her name?" Nora asked
"Olive Metta. She is eight years old and mute. She is an adorable child." CJ said too fast for his liking.
" Okay. I will run through some missing children reports and see if I can find out who she is and where her family is, but for now keep her safe."
Nora said with a smile and wondering why she trusted this stranger.
The evening went well as both of them passed easy smiles with a lot of curiosity about each other.
Later on Rick joined them as CJ was introduced to Jade's husband.

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