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Nora was now matching to her boss'office ready to face all the questions he had. She was almost banging head on the door frame due to the frustration she felt with the case. Everything was leading no where and she nearly gave up the case and throw her bags in the trunk and go far away for a while.
"Come in!" James spoke. Nora breathed in and pushed the door open.
"Nora,have a sit." He said while watching his laptop. He turned towards her staring at her intensely.
"Tell me what you have." He said with a stiff nod.
"Nothing tangible sir." Nora said meeting his gaze squarely.
"Nora, this case is our top priority and as we are speaking my neck is on the line so is yours." James spoke a little harsher than other days.
"But.." Nora was cut off by a wave of hand.
"The cabinet secretary for security wants results Nora and if you feel this is too much you can give it to Oyando. That's all." James spoke dismissively.
Nora stormed out of the door towards her office. The girl they found dead was among those reported missing and she was grateful it was not Gwen.
She died on the surgery table as some of her organs were missing.
" Damn it!" She was fuming and furious at the fact they found her dead. She has not slept for thirty six hours and her brain could not think straight.
"Coffee?" Richard offered as he opened her door.
"Thanks." She said staring at her board while Richard set down a mug of steaming coffee.
"What are we missing Richard?" She asked her partner who was silently watching her back.
"We have followed every lead but they all are a dead end." Richard inserted with a little huff.
" I feel there is something we are missing. All those missing girls and boys are between the ages of eight and sixteen. Who or how they are being kidnapped remains a mystery and those criminals we had arrested refused to talk after all the threats. " Nora ranted as she paced running her hands through her hair.
She was almost flipping her office table.
" I think you need rest." Richard offered as much as he admired her natural beauty and cool facade and bossy moves he knew when she was not thinking straight.
"I am ranting am I not?" She stood and watched Richard's small smile.
"Go, I will call you should anything come up." Richard spoke.
Nora picked her leather jacket and walked out of her office.
She saw Oyando speaking to a group of colleagues and not in the mood for a banter she increased her pace.
" You know it is okay to surrender if things too tough." Oyando said gaining Nora's attention.
"Sometimes people overate what we can do despite our gender and I can say that you look beat Nora." He continued biting her but that was it . She matched towards where he stood as eyes followed her.
Nora was not a violent person but she knew when to use force and right now she needed to wipe off Oyando's smug.
She stared at him smiling sweetly without realizing it she stepped on his his left foot. Oyando winced in pain moving to punch her with his right hand Nora caught it twisting his fingers. He bit his lips to avoid shouting profanities at her.
"You are such a moron and if you cross me again it won't be this nice." Nora leaned to whisper to him releasing him and matching down the hallway.
Richard was amused by the entire display just like everyone else. He walked towards Oyando who was now massaging his arm. "The next time I will be the one chopping off your arm and feeding it to the dogs." he spoke with a smile and patted Oyando's back.
Nora matched towards her car and with a bang she sat on the driver's seat and huffed.
She banged her head on the steering wheel as her eyes moistened.
She needed to sleep and face her troubles because she knew she was not only frustrated about the case but also about CJ. He was a good person she could tell and that was an alarm to her. She could not accept his concerns because she was afraid that he like the rest of them would walk away if they new her troubled past.
She drove home willing not to cry for it did not solve anything. Nora hated the fact she had to act indifferent when it came to how she felt about him.
She remembered her first boyfriend when she was eighteen and with all the teenage crush she had. It was at that time she had left home and came to stay with her eldest cousin. The neighbourhood was not that friendly but Luka was her guardian. The two were young and naive but Nora was completely taken by the boxing abilities of Luka. He would beat anyone who challenged him and she was in love with how protective he was with her. Everyone knew she was his girl and Luka taught her how to box. Luka just like her had come from a broken home and worst part he was born out of wedlock and out of assault. Her mother was raped by her employer and he was a result of that ugly act.
His mother fiercely defended him and raised him alone. She was rejected by her own family and left everything behind to just give Luka the life he deserved. The people had dubbed him 'Tyson' for he was a boxer from the age of sixteen. He had decided to take it as a career for he wanted to make his mother proud.
Nora loved him and she also envisioned her self wife to a boxer. The fact that Luka loved her and was not afraid of showing her off to his friends and family. Nora felt safe and home even though things were not certain.
Luka just like any other man was flawed and troubled and Nora could not fix the brokenness he had. Her cousin warned her severally but she would not listen. She thought that he would change and give up his anger and arrogance. Nora was the recipient of blows and kicks when his anger escalated and she would end up bedridden for days. At one time she discovered she was expecting his baby and being afraid of what he might do chose to hide it.
Luka came back apologizing and swearing to be a changed man. Later on he found out she was pregnant and ordered her to abort the baby. Nora was broken but she went on to do has he had commanded. It almost costed her life and her dignity was gone.
She came home and told her cousin of her decision to join the police force so she could fight with the right tools.
A few years later she found out Luka died out of a brawl with his fellow opponent who stabbed him to death. Nora was sadden but she thought he deserved every thing that led him down that road.

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