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Nora was tapping her foot anxiously. It was a habit she had picked and it seemed stuck with her. Richard watched as they waited for orders and pep talk from their boss.
After thirty six hours of tracing the warehouse and the laboratory they concluded two teams had to be deployed. The had to work with the military in this rescue mission so a combat task force trained to handle special weapons was deployed yesterday and here they were to go and rescue Gwen.
They needed to be careful but Nora's patience was running thin.
"All right people, we are doing this professionally. The media is on our bums and I hate to break this news that also this has gotten the president's attention so you know what that means. No mistakes.
Nora take over!" James roared.
"You all know what to do. You move on my account and make damn sure there are no slip ups! Let go get those criminals!" She thundered.
Richard smiled as he watched others scurry off.
They drove as fast as they could.
Nora's mind was on the other children back in that forsaken place. She could not believe  that victory was here.
She had to thank Jade,Rick and CJ for praying for Gwen's safety.
How much can God do she wondered?
Lately she had been witnessing miracles, first with Jade,Olive and now Gwen.
They reached the destination and moved in three troops.
She signaled them to wait and because of the darkness of the place they camouflaged.
She saw two men standing outside smoking, when they turned she gave her team a go ahead. They moved quietly and until they reached the entrance and with her classic aim shot the two men dead.
The rest of the troops moved in and Nora moved quickly in search of Gwen when a man saw her.
The man tried to punch her then she swerved  past him only to shoot him on his left thigh thrice.
The man screamed out of agony. Nora saw a little girl frighten sat on a pile of unused boxed.
She put away her gun and approaches her, "Gwen this is officer Nora, I will be taking you home okay?" She asked the frightened girl and moves closer.
She stood and comes closer to Nora who was had bent to reach her.
"It is alright okay?" She soothed the girl who was now crying.
The rest of the goons were huddled into the awaiting police truck.
Nora took Gwen's hand and walked with and afterwards carried her to the waiting car to take her to the hospital.
Richard walked behind them as the Nora was awfully quite.
Gwen clung to her out of relief.
They drove in silence as James had already informed the mother to come and be with her daughter.
She did not let Nora go afraid maybe of this being a dream. They parked at the hospital emergency entrance and nurses came out to take her in for examination.
Nora stayed with her until she saw Gwen's mother running towards them wailing.
She hugged Gwen in tears and sobs. The doctors had to give her time with her.
After an eternity of hugging each other she turned towards Nora was leaning on one wall.
"Thank you ma'am. Thank you for bringing my baby back to me." She almost fell thanking her.
"No, we thank God." Nora said unconsciously.
She was more shocked as the mother held on her daughters hand.
It was time to go and ensure Makena's safety. They had taken her to a hideout until she recovered fully.
Nora walked outside and saw Richard leaning on the car talking on his phone.
On noticing her, he hung up.
"We deed it Nora." He said with a smile.
"Yes indeed!" She responded.
"Why don't you seem escatic as I am?" He asked with a frown.
"I am happy it is just I am worried that we are yet to arrest Mr X. He may change his location and ways of operation. Mr Joseph is yet to answer for his crimes."She confessed.
"And we will find him." Richard said optimistically.
"I hope so." She said they slid in the car.
Nora wanted to go home rest and then visit Jade who was out of the hospital. They had not yet talked after that night in the hospital.
She missed CJ. She took out her phone and called him.
After a few rings he picked up.
"Hey you?" She said hoarsely.
"Hey? How are you?" He replied with less enthusiasm.
"I am good. We found Gwen." She said with a smile. They really did find Gwen after the searching and almost giving up.
She wanted to let the case go but CJ encouraged her all the way.
"Thank God. I am happy that she is safe and sound." He smiled on the other end.
"What's up? You sound not okay." She confronted CJ's lack of enthusiasm.
"I am okay it is just I am going through a heart break phenomenal." He said curtly.
"Are you going to be okay or should I tag along?" She asked without certainty of why she did.
"No,I will be fine. Besides you need rest. You have been up and about for thirty six hours." He reassured her.
"Okay. See you soon. Good night." She bid him a goodnight but her heart sank.
Something was not right with CJ and she could not shake the feeling that things have become worse than they were.
"Do you love him?" Richard's voice boomed in the car. She had forgotten he was there.
"What?" She could not believe the incredulity of her partner.
"You heard me. Do you love him?" He repeated himself with a clenched jaw.
"You are being ridiculous right now and no I don't." She defended herself.
"Are you sure? " that little tiny voice spoke.
"Why are you so defensive?" He mocked her.
Nora ignored him and stared far off.
There was silence that lasted for a few seconds.
"I saw you two being cosy at each other that day you were in the hospital. The way he stares at you and the way he has been a constant caller of your phone." Richard narrated.
"How is that any of your business?" She turned towards him furiously.
Richard opened his mouth to answer her but closed it to avoid further arguments but still it irked him that she was falling for him
"You are my partner Richard not my mother." She stated.
"I know!" Richard exploded. He took a breathe.
"Well I am sorry about that." He apologized.
Nora watched him and accepted his apology with a nod.
He took her to her place and switched off the engine.
"I am sorry I didn't mean to offend you. I care about you that's all." He apologized again.
"Apology accepted. Sorry for the out burst. My tired mind is over jagged." She gave him a small smile.
They said good nights as Nora walked into her apartment and went straight to shower so she can sleep.
She was worried about CJ and what he had found about Shona.
"He seems cranky today!" Her inner voice sighed.
She was afraid of what he might do with all the anger and betrayal.
After minutes of taking a hot bath,she dropped on her bed her mind on CJ as she drifted to a deep sleep.
Nora woke up from the buzzing of the phone only to realize it was her birthday calendar alarm that went off.
Today was their birthday. She gazed up her celling remembering their last birthday together.
"We are officially eighteen Lora jumped into her bed and hugged the groggy Nora. Imagine we can now leave and never be questioned. We are of age." Lora giggled.
Nora watched her and stared off as she imagine the taste of freedom. She smiled at her twin.
"Well, this is like Christmas for us don't you think?" She giggled at Lora's question.
"Yes it is." Nora hugged her back.
"What are we going to do once we leave this awful place?" Lora asked her.
"We are going to find a job and we are going to join a college later." Nora answered as the thought gave her a smile.
"Sissy,whatever happens live your dreams okay? Don't stop until you are truly free of the darkness that looms around you. Don't let bitterness take away your humanity and when you get a chance to fall in love do it. One day Maybe God will answer my prayer and you will have a family of your own but when you do don't forget me.
Also forgive our mother when you are ready,forgive our step dad and our biological dad. Set yourself free. That's what true freedom looks like." Lora said with a sad smile.
"Where will you be?" Nora asked her philosophical sister.
She smiled," I will be here and maybe then I will have rested from everything." Lora replied.
Nora didn't like the way she sounded. Nora jumped out of the bed.
"Today we are going to celebrate it away from them. I have some cash I saved up." Nora spoke as she spread Lora's bed.
"Yes! Where are we going?" Lora asked.
"It is a surprise." Nora confirmed.
With that they got ready for the day.
Nora smiled sadly and stood up to go and shower. She did not want to be alone today.
After searching for Quincy with no avail she left for Jade's. It was a tradition to go there every birthday so she doesn't feel sad and alone.
She parked her car outside the  house but the house  was eerily quiet.
She banged the door only for Jade to open for her with a smile and a hug.
As they walked towards the room Jade was smiling at her.
Something was not right.
When the got to the living room she was startled with a loud cheer.
"Surprise!" Everyone shouted.
Nora held her breathe as some of their friends watched her with a bright smile.
"Happy birthday Nora bear." Jade hugged her.
CJ came forth with Olive and Rick.
Nora was all happy she did not expect the surprise birthday.
Jade's mom came out of the kitchen with a cake while Daniel and Richard followed in tow.
She almost teared up.
Nora looked at the her friends and family and thought she had gained more than she had lost.
"Thank you." She said with a smile.

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