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Nora scooped ice cream from the container. She savored her Vanilla ice cream as she smiled at herself.
She scrolled her phone gallery to check their photos and she couldn't help but smile in delight. She thought CJ's visit as much as she didn't expect it she was happy he came. She was happy that he choose her even after trying to push him away.
He was everything she never thought she would ever have.
She wasn't one for pictures and selfies but she just had to keep them for the two remaining months.
"Someone looks better today." Sally sat down next to her on the kitchen counter.
"I am and I am sorry if I behaved horribly to you and Elijah. I hope I am forgiven." This was a new Nora who apologized quickly indeed Jesus can transform someone in a matter of time.
She found it easy to ask for forgiveness and she was quick to correction.
She struggled most days but her joy found in the Lord was all that kept her going.
Sally had told her that God trains His people everyday and molds them until they were mature.
"Hey it is alright. We understood and we prayed for you." Sally spoke softly towards her and held her gaze for a while.
"After finding out the entire truth I could not face you for I thought that you wouldn't want anything to do with me.
That night I cried out to God for I was in real pain. One for losing my sister ,two for being conceived out of an assault,three for my mother and lastly for never knowing what love felt like. I was so so broken Sally and I knew the only way out was Jesus. So I fell on my knees and let out all the anguish I felt in sobs. Tears fell uncontrollably. I was at my end and lost so I asked God to save me. I asked God for the first time to show me His love. Sally I felt the room being filled with an overwhelming sense of love and peace. I felt a sense of belonging and in that moment I told God to be the Lord of my heart. I asked Him to forgive my terrible sins and by confessing them I was renewed. Though I was still sad, I was okay. I knew I will be okay. Then I asked God to let me know that I will be okay. The following day CJ shows up unexpected and I knew God heard me. I will be okay." She confessed everything to Sally whose eyes were now flowing with tears.
"Thank you Jesus!" She exclaimed.
"You have answered our prayer. You indeed heard us. Thank you for being faithful." She prayed.
"Nora we have been praying for you since you came in our lives. We prayed and never once did we give up on you. We knew God will work on you and So I asked my family to only love you and show you what family really means and indeed all this time God has been working on you. Two years ago I started asking God to give you a companion. A man who will truly love and respect you. When I met CJ I knew he was the right one and even though you had fought that day I saw how he kept looking at you and staring at you. I saw he was a goner and His character proved that he was the right one. God is indeed faithful." Sally squeaked in delight.
They laughed as they wiped away tears. Tears of joy.
"Then I think you can start your baptism class and I know Jade will be escatic. Do you know the day you saved her from the hoodlums she came home in tears and told us that she has found another sister. We were surprised. She insisted that we should welcome you for she has found her best friend and she wanted us to love and respect you. We agreed and here we are." Sally laughed at the memory.
"I agree, I had just lost Lora and then I met Jade. At first I did not like how pushy she was but I felt how genuine she was and I agreed to visit." Nora laughed at the memory.
"I don't know what I would do if I never had such a loyal friend as Jade. I miss her." Nora said as affection shone in her eyes.
"When I got married to Elijah,it was hard to conceive and my in laws were breathing down my neck. I thank God that my husband through a friend of his got to leave for America and I followed him. I got pregnant with my first child and I lost her. She was a still birth. I came back home to grieve. Elijah was on the next flight to comfort me. He was working at the same time studying and seeing him at the door of my mother's place, I knew that no matter what happened we were going to weather through all storms. I went back with him and I decided to focus on our growth as a couple and be happy. I asked God to give His peace about bearing children and let His will precede over my own desires. I became a happy woman and loved my husband. We traveled and had fun. Two years later I conceived and gave birth to Jade she was a gift and for that I was grateful to God. Elijah could not stop carrying her whenever he was not working. She will always be his little girl. Then I could not have another child so I was grateful but back in the US I fostered kids and the few that were placed in our home I helped as best as I could. My hubby retired and he wanted to come home and rest which is ironical. He started a clinic to help and serve his community. When you came I accepted you as a daughter and Jade was so happy to hear so." Sally narrated.
"I am sorry about all that." Nora comforted.
"I have had such a wonderful marriage and family so the joy surpasses the pain." She smiled at her.
Sally stood up after a few minutes and hugged her.
"You Nora were never a mistake. You are such a lovely young woman and now you have found God, you will make a remarkable one. I love you." She parted her and left her to her own thoughts.
Nora sat and thought of what the future held for her now. She was convinced that she was not going to be the same woman that left home all those years.
She was going to see her mother and allow them talk over their dark past. She wanted to see her and tell her she was sorry for not forgiving her and even calling her back the many times she called her.
Nora was distraught at the thought of her mother's suffering and was afraid that it may be too late. She hoped and prayed that her mother would be open to talk and listen to her.
Her phone rang as the name made her smile. She picked it up, "hey? Hello?" She grinned.
"Hey beautiful? How was your day?" CJ asked.
Nora walked towards her room as her cheeks tinged pink, "my day was good. How was yours?" She asked as she sat cross legged on the cushy bed and went on to eat her ice cream.
"Tiring. I want to see your pretty face." He yawned.
"Okay." She hung up as CJ face timed her.
"Is that ice cream? At this time?" He cringed.
"Hey, cravings. I can't help it." She defended her self.
"Okay!" He smiled affectionately.
"How is Jade and my beautiful niece doing?" Nora asked.
"They are doing great. Olive texted to tell me that she has known how to hold the baby but under a tight supervision." CJ laughed at Olive's complaint.
Nora laughed at the thought.
"What about Rick?" She asked.
"He was grumpy when his leave was over but he is thinking of asking for a reassigning and be brought closer home. Which would be the best thing if you ask me." He filled her in.
"Yes, I think so too." She agreed.
"What about Barrak have you heard from him?" She asked.
"Daniel hoped he would be back home for he has not been since his deployment eighteen months ago. I am so worried for him. When I left I never knew he would join the armed forces. His family is worried about him. No news about him everyday means thinking the worst could have happened." He confessed.
"We will pray for him." She affirmed.
"Thank you." He smiled at her.
"When you come back there are places I would love for us to visit." He said.
"I am thinking of visiting Maasai Mara national park and Menengai crater. I am also thinking of Lamu." She said with excitement.
"Yes, those are beautiful. I also thought of Malindi and Zanzibar." He suggested as Nora's eyes lit with excitement.
"I am looking forward for that." She smiled ice cream forgotten.
"You should because I want to monopolize your time and I want us to get married some day." He pointed it out.
"What is your is ideal wedding?" He asked her.
"I never imagined myself married so all those fantasies about a wedding were never a priority. Although a garden wedding would be so okay by me." She relayed.
Nora thought that here heart would Burst out of joy. She looked at the man who was now laughing with her and him thinking she was good enough to make her his wife. He was a blessing. She wished Lora was here to see her prayer being answered.

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