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CJ watched Rick adjust his peach tie. He was quivering at the thought of the special day he had been anticipating for. He could hear his heart drum in his chest but nevertheless he was going to marry the woman he was undeniably in love with.
He thought about the last four months and he was overwhelmed at the thought that the woman she met a year ago was now going to be his wife.
He stared at his reflection and smiled at Daniel who was also watching him.
"Are you ready to marry your girl?" Daniel teased him.
CJ smiled at him nervously, "I am." Rick patted his back.
They walked in sync to the garden.
They choose to do their wedding on Sally's garden. The officiating place had the gazebo set and decorated with flower. Seats arrayed in splendor in two columns and a red carpet between them.
Their wedding was themed black and peach with accents of white. It was Nora's idea since she was not much of bright colors with the help of Jade she made the combination so as to brighten the day.
CJ's suit was a three piece suit with a black tie while Rick and Daniel opted to do black suits with a peach ties. They looked handsome and elegant as they walked together.
They stood at the far end and people arose to take photos and videos.
Rick and Daniel walked behind acting as though they were his body guards. They wore dark sunglasses and put on scary faces. It was something Rick came up with. They walked behind the groom watching and pretending to be talking with imaginary security team. CJ was waving at the people as if he was a celebrity. Some got the idea others were confused.
CJ saw his uncle and wife waving at him. He gave a small nod at them. His two cousins winked at the act he was having.
CJ saw Elijah and Sally on the first row of the seats and they nodded at him. He smiled while Rick and Daniel did a trick of checking if the gazebo was secure and then ushered him to stand on the left side.
The officiating minister shook his hand and patted his back.
People sat when they got the officiating area as they admired the groom. CJ was only praising God for the far He had carried him in his life. Eight years ago he was a broken man who had lost his family but now God had fulfilled His promise to restore everything he had lost.
He looked at Rick and Danny and he now had a plus one friend although he was sad Barrak couldn't attend.
He saw Pendo seated on the far left with a smile as a man came with a water bottle and handed it to her. He recognized him as Justin. He was glad she took his advice.
His colleagues waved at him one being the man who had given his life to Christ after teaching him the truth of the word of God.
He saw Malik with Ajay and Phoebe on the far right. Malik gave him a smile and he was curious about their relationship as Phoebe fussed with Ajay's collar.
He turned to look at Sally who was beaming and whispering at her husband's ear earning a laughter.
Richard was seated together with Nora's boss and his wife as they conversed.
Mumbi was seated on the second row together with baby Lora. CJ was elated to see everything working out for His good.
Then the moment he had been waiting for arrived.
He watched her and everything flashed before him. The night they met, the cold look she gave him that day he tried to help her. The day she was in the hospital, their first picnic,when she opened up to him,when she accepted to be his girlfriend,their first trip to Lamu. Their engagement and then finally this moment. He felt something wet his cheeks. He wiped the tears of joy and watched her soldier girl as he favored to call her on the other side. She was breath taking in her white dress. He walked to meet her as her parents and Jade's parents came to hand her over.
He saw her blush when he stared at her.
She looked beautiful just like the day they met. He took her hand and whispered, "hello love."
She smiled at him adoringly.

Nora sighed as the makeup artist declared she was done doing her face. She turned around to look at her dolled face. She almost did not recognize the woman staring at her. She looked too beautiful but it was not the physical beauty that she saw but the beauty that God had given her.
Her spirit was quiet and she wasn't burden by her past. She was not angry and bitter about herself.
She was free and loved, first by God then her husband to be and then her family.
She saw the abundance that God had poured in her life.
The last four months she had the most amazing and challenging time. She had grown. Today being her birthday she was happy that it was also her wedding day to mark new beginnings.
After visiting her mother she invited her to stay with her and she agreed. They stayed together as they caught up on the lost moments. She decided to do her therapy on her own separate of their marital counselling classes. She wanted to deal with her anger and bitterness. She also dealt with losing Lora which was not easy. She would cry for days grieving over Lora.
It was at that moment she knew she could not go on working as a detective. She wanted to help children in the memory of her sister. At first it sounded crazy but after praying and asking Him to order her steps.
James, her boss was the one noticed how unhappy and unenthusiastic she was with all assignments she was given. Her mind was always absent from meetings and debriefs. She asked for Richard to be given most of the top shelves cases while she did some or none. As she stared at herself, she knew she wanted to do something different with her career life. She was going to be a wife and a mother so she needed to be there for her family. She stared at the woman in the mirror,
She looked at her and she almost cried out of joy that the Spirit of God was pouring in her heart. She was going to marry the man who showed her how to love like God.
He was her best friend and now they were going to get married. She squealed in happiness.
Who would have thought that the eighteen year old bitter,lost, broken and tattered girl would one day have a new story to tell about her life.
Jade was seated next to her as the makeup artist's apprentice passed the eye shadow pallet and highlighter.
Nora smiled at her best friend and tears welled up thinking that their meeting was a blessing.
"Jade, you know I love you right?" She asked her friend.
"I think I have an idea." She teased.
"You will always be my sister Nora and not because of saving my life no but because I always wanted one." She voiced Nora's thought.
"You will ruin your makeup." Soni warned as she entered the room.
"Thank you Soni for being my good good friend for the past few months." Nora told her other friend.
"I am happy we are friends ,our husbands always wanted their wives to get along." She winked at her.
There was a knock as Sally came in with her wedding gown. It was a white mermaid dress and a bateau neckline. It had pearls running from behind her neck to the tail. The tail was a short one.
Nora loved it the moment she set her eyes on it and she preferred this over a lace one. She settled on wearing peach strap heeled sandals.
Her beautiful hair was styled with pins and the veil was to be supported with a beautiful comb Sally had given her. Her mother walked in carrying her shoes and veil together with beautiful pair of earrings.
The elderly women helped her dress and when she was done turned to do a twirl.
Belinda's tears trickled as she watched her beautiful girl twirl before her. Sally sniffed at the thought of her daughter getting married.
"Stop crying mum, you are going to make me cry." She told her mother as she hugged her.
Sally and Belinda became friends quickly as Belinda thanked Sally for taking care of Nora.
"You look so beautiful." She said as wiped away her tears.
Nora watched Sally who was now hugging her as they came together and encircled her to pray.
They prayed for her and her wellbeing. They spoke blessings and so many beautiful words.
Nora's father came in. He placed his hand on hers, "I know I am not your biological father but I became your father the moment I saw you in that hospital. I love you Nora and this is my prayer that the Lord keep you and your husband. The Lord to make His face shine upon you and your husband. The Lord to go ahead of you in this journey you have began." He prayed.
Everyone chorused Amen. Jade passed her a bouquet of white roses.
It was time to go see her husband to be in a few moments. She was shaking at the thought. She had not seen him for the past three days and she missed him terribly. Since the wedding was happening in the Jade's parents house,she had to come earlier and oversee the preparations.
With each step, Nora's heart beat.
They got to the garden and she lifted her head slightly and saw CJ standing on the other side. She knew this is where she wanted to be.
He looked stunning in his suit. She saw a smile curve on his face and she blushed.
Olive and Melody were already in position to walk down the aisle as flower girls. The walked as they spread white petals on the carpet.
They walked slowly as Her mother and father held her. Everyone stood at the command of the master of ceremony.
Jade being the chief bridesmaid fussed with her train.
Soni walked behind them with a single white rose as their beautiful peach dresses swept the carpet.
Nora felt like it was an eternity. When they got to the end of the carpet, the minister told them to halt.
Soni and Jade stood on the other side of the gazebo while CJ walked down to get his bride.
The minister told Nora's parents to come and hand her over to CJ. Sally and Elijah joined her parents to do as they were told.
"Take care of my precious girl." Nora's mum whispered.
When they were done they sat down.
"Hello love?" CJ whispered.
"Hey sweetie? Have you been crying?" Nora teased him.
"No,I don't think so." He smiled at her.
Nora watched as her handsome knight led her to the gazebo.
"We are gathered here today for a joyous celebration. We are here to witness Christopher Junior Mwamba and Nora Kimani's wedding." The officiator spoke with a bright smile.
Nora held CJ's hand and he felt his shake just as hers.
She lifted her gaze and their eyes locked in moment as if assuring him that it was not a dream but a reality, their reality.
The wind blew in gentleness to cool the radiant sun.
CJ turned towards her and winked mischievously.
This was a dream come true.

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