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They all stared far off with their minds occupied. Rick stood and leaned on the wall. Nora felt lost after they prayed and out of all the times she knew that she was not escaping what is coming her way.
The doctor came out of the room with a tired face. Rick looked at him hopefully while Nora's face was stern.
"I announce that it was successful. Your wife and the baby are safe. It was hard but they made it. Congratulations you are a father to a beautiful girl." Rick sighed while he thanked God.
"I thank God." CJ said behind the Nora.
"Thank you doctor. Can I see them." Rick asked.
"Yes,the nurse will take you to their room they are headed there. It is a miracle the baby is alright but we are going to monitor her for the next twenty four hours." He explained leaving them.
"Congratulations Rick!" Nora said with all excitement laced in her voice.
She was happy that her best friend was going to survive she promised herself that she is going to spend more time with her and telling her how much she means to her.
Later the nurse took them to Jade's room.
There she was,Nora moved steadily beside Rick.
Rick moved close to hug his wife and the nurse brought in the baby.
Nora watched the entire display with awe and thought if she too could have that someday.
"I want us to be them someday." CJ whispered as he squeezed her hand gently.
Nora was too shocked and swallowed nervously.
He seemed so sure of it even when she was not sure of her future that was blurring before her.
"CJ that's too much to ask. If you only know me you would not wish for something like that." Nora countered back.
"I think I see you Nora and maybe that's not enough for you but if you are willing to try then that would be enough for me." He spoke.
Nora was overwhelmed by everything it seems her world is spinning.
"I need time CJ. I need plenty of it." She responded with a weak smile.
CJ squeezed her hand once more to show her he was not going anywhere.
"Hey,come close and meet our beautiful girl." Jade invited weakly.
Nora moved towards the baby wrapped in a cute earth green shawl. She was so tiny with her eyes closed and her small hands folded into little fists.
Rick held her out towards her.
She was shaking not knowing how to hold her properly and tears came to her eyes.
Lately she has been crying but holding the little girl stirred something in her.
She trembled as Rick showed her how to hold her properly.
She held her as she smiled at her while she tried to stretch her little hands.
"She is so tiny." She commented  as emotions washed over her.
"Nora bear,meet our lovely girl Lora Zawadi  Tumo." Jade said with a smile as Nora's eyes widen.
"We had made a deal if it is a girl I name her and if it is a boy he names him. I got to choose those names cause they are close to home." Jade explained.
Nora was too excited that she kissed the little girl before returning her to Jade.
She turned towards  Rick and mouthed thank you.
CJ watched her from a distance and saw a side of Nora he did not expect.
He smiled as he came and held the baby for a while and he imagined that if Shona were alive he would have held his little girl just like he was doing at the moment.
He shook off the gloom and the mist in his eyes and watched the little girl.
Nora watched him with a small smile. He looked happy and overwhelmed. They looked at each other and smiled.
CJ excused himself to hug Nora and leave for work while Rick excused himself to go get a call as Jade's parents were on their way.
"Why did you name her that?" Nora asked her best friend.
"Because I know she was your twin sister. I never asked what happened but your mum gave me a little story of how much you had lost and one of them was your twin sister." Jade explained to her best friend who was now tearing up.
"I am so sorry I never told you about her. I am sorry for being a bad friend and a selfish person." Nora apologized.
"It is alright,I know it was not good to poke my nose into your business so I held back. I was hurt when I found out you could not tell me what happened to her after I saw a picture of you two when you were young but after your mum told me all that I forgave and let it go. I made a vow I will be your sister  not by blood but by love and respect. I was not replacing Lora but I wanted you to feel loved Nora bear not just once but always." Jade opened her true hidden thoughts to her friend.
Nora held her hand and watched the little one.
"I am sorry for being difficult and too proud but I am not used to talking about my true feelings despite all of that I did and do love you even though I have a funny way of showing it." Nora convinced her friend.
Jade laughed.
"Lora and I where inseparable. She was the sweetest person I have ever had the chance to know. She would sing to me when I got sick and would stay with me. When our dad left us,Lora cried the entire night asking me why did he leave. I had no proper response and we vowed we will be each other's protector. She loved to call me sissy as a pet name. Teachers in school had a hard time separating us and they eventually let us be.
I would beat up anyone who would tease or try bully her. At home things were not so good after dad left mum began drinking and  one day she brought home a man and said he was going to be our new dad. I was angry with her for trying to fix the damage by letting another man in our home. Lora was contented after all she wanted to be loved. I chose to be the rebellious one and so many times I ended up beaten and punished for refusing to call him 'father'." Nora paused to compose herself.
"I started noticing Lora's behavior change and she became more and more timid,quiet and always afraid of things I didn't know. She was overly obedient and because of my rebellion I was taken away from home to a boarding school. I was only twelve. I grew to hate my step father but it was no where to how much I loathed my mother.
Lora remained home. When I visited during the holidays Lora seemed more distant but I tried fixing our bond so I don't loose my only sibling. One day she was happy the next moody and extremely sad. I started investigating what was going on. When we were thirteen Lora got her periods and she was extremely afraid. She was frantic and started saying that she was going to die and that God was punishing her for her sins. I told her it was a normal occurrence and asked if she was not learning that from science in school then she relaxed. I questioned her reaction but she waved me away. I tried to talk to my mother about it but she dismissed me by saying that I wanted to stir trouble." Nora went on shifting so she could be more comfortable.
"One day I couldn't sleep as I turned I saw her on the floor crying and I asked her she told me how much she misses me being around her and she feels she is not safe. I  hugged her and promised I will stay. She smiled at me and relaxed. The following day I told my parents I will not go back to boarding but stay. They were all furious and Lora went on to beg them. Finally they gave in and I saw her happier than I arrived. We went back to school but things started getting more difficult. I was given double chores and my sister less. I would do everything a maid is paid to do while my mother did nothing but sit and get drunk. My step father became like a thorn in my flesh. He punished me for being rude and disrespectful. I was whipped at times burnt with cigarette ends. There were days I would sleep outside because I had delayed supper. One day I was organizing our room Lora had gone with mother to get some things from the market. My step father walked in the room and started closing our distance like a cat prying on a rat." Nora bent her head in remembrance of that day.
"He said that he knew how rude girls like me should be punished and I was only seeking his attention. I was only fifteen. He grabbed me so tight that I could not move a muscle. He tried his way with me but little did he know I had some tricks up my sleeve. I kicked his shin and ran away as fast as I could. He was afraid that I would tell my mother so he ensured to pile lies so as to convince my mother I was only lying. That night I couldn't sleep. Lora asked what happened and I told her only for her to start crying. She .." Nora paused to breathe.
Jade waited patiently.

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