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The day went too fast as CJ made his rounds. After a successful knee surgery last night he needed to lay his head on a nice bed and go to sleep. He was not the grumpy type when depraved of sleep but his calm nature turned into an anxious, not concentrating self.
He did not want to take any caffeine for his muscles protested and even now struggling to keep up with the reports.
"Doc?" His thoughts were interrupted by one of the staff.
"Yes,yes?" He responded quickly.
"There is a lady at the lobby asking for you." She stated.
"Is she a patient? If yes direct her Dr. Bon." He said dismissively with a yawn.
"She asked specifically for you. Her name is Nora, I think." She explained.
CJ was now fully awake at the mention of her name as he hurried down the hallway to the lobby.
He saw the subject of his thoughts for the past few days. She out stood  every other lady in the lobby with her black leather jacket, jungle green boots, blue jeans and a T-shirt written live, love and laugh.
Her face was concentrated on the screen at the reception and a body language spoke of exhaustion. She had a frown and a foot was tapping and shifting to her left leg ,crossing her arms.
  CJ approached with tiny smile, "Nora?" He called her name as she whirled to look at him.
He was right she was exhausted and her eyes looked tired.
"Hey there?" She replied with a smile giving a wrinkle on the bridge of her nose.
"You look tired, long night?" CJ questioned as he gestured they sit.
" Yes, I feel like I can pass out anytime." She said with sigh.
It was a long night of arresting some cohorts in her kidnapping case and 'coaxing' them to choose a lesser sentence but it was a dead end.
Here she was with some good news that did not abode well with CJ.
" I am sorry about that." He apologized.
" I am here to say that I ran through the missing child reports and Olive's name did not appear. We need to check out with children's registry." She explained trying to keep her eyes open.
" It is okay and thank you for your help." CJ admitted with a relief.
" I want to meet Olive." Nora stated with a tiny smile. He could see her fight her sleep. Nora was okay to converse with but underneath her cold and aloof nature ,he knew there laid a beautiful soul. He could not understand why but he felt the urge and need to examine her and see what she hides beneath her strong aura.
" No problem. Can we leave now?" CJ spoke sleep all forgotten.
" Yes." She replied as she watched him stand and disappear through the same hallway he walked in from.
A few minutes he walked in with some car keys and laptop bag.
" We will drive my car," CJ stated as they pushed the glass door. They walked towards the parking lot and Nora was hesitant to leave.
" I have notified them.Your car can stay here at my parking spot." CJ explained as he beelined to the drivers sit.
Nora parked her car at CJ's reserved spot and eventually drove from the hospital gate.
CJ was aware of his companion's worry and tiredness. He watched her eyes droop and finally she fell asleep. He looked at her and  thought  of how many times he thought of her to the point of feeling guilty because of Shona.
He thought of the many times in the past he had drunk himself to sleep and running away to the US did not help him mourn her but led to a path of depression and desperation.
A vivid thought of Shona's argument about how being rich was a privilege and not a deserved thing.
" No one is entitled to being rich and poverty is not someone's fault at least for those born in it." Shona said passionately during one of their many dates.
" Then who is to blame for the level of poverty in our country and all third world countries?" CJ quizzed her.
He loved her diplomatic mind and passionate soul when it came to her job and carrier. Working with a Non-governmental organization to help children, Shona did not look at the world as grey but black and white.
" I do not know that for sure." She replied sipping her cappuccino.
"All I know is that you and I can make a difference." She said with a bright smile.
" You know for a daughter of a prominent man who is egoistical and overly rude ,the world should be so proud of your accomplishments." CJ said tenderly.
"Touché darling." She said in pearl of laughter.
"  Cheers to the next Wangari Mathai." CJ said clicking their cups of coffee.
"That reminds me, tomorrow we have to go see mother. She wants to see you." Shona reminded him.
" Your mother can give someone a toothache with her sweet nature but nonetheless we are going or else she will call relentlessly." CJ confirmed.
He knew that Shona was the right woman for him and even now as he carried a ring in his pocket it jabbed him reminding him of his upcoming engagement.
He prayed Shona would love the surprise party.
CJ  drove  through the gates to his home parking his car. Nora was stirring awake maybe remembering where she was.
He looked at her, "welcome to my sweet lovely home." He said unbuckling his seatbelt.
Nora looked at the perfect lawn mowed by a skilled Gardner . The conifers short and tall were nicely trimmed along the driveway.
The hedges were cut and she could see the two storey house standing before them. It was a perfect environment to raise a family.
" Nice home." She said as she surveyed the front part of the house.
CJ walked briskly towards the front door only for it to be opened by an over eager girl. She lurched herself into his hands.
" Hey bunny?" CJ greeted with a smile kissing the temple of Olive's hairline.
"I am fine,Mr Lion." She signed with a little difficulty. He had started her sign language lessons and she was brilliant for her age.
"I want you to meet a friend of mine." CJ told Olive as he put her down so that she could say hi.
Olive put shyly her hand to sign, " hi,my name is Olive."
"Nice to meet you Olive, my name is Nora." Nora signed surprising Christopher.
There was more to this woman than meets the eye.

Thank you for reading up to this point.
Let's proceed :-).

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