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CJ was feeling uneasy with Nora's silence. She had not picked his calls for two days in a row and he decided an impromptu visit to Sally's place.
He left Olive with Jade as Mumbi had agreed to help Jade with house chores and it seemed okay with him since Olive was at Jade's most of the time.
He drove to her home using directions that she had given him and also google maps helped with navigation.
He wanted to see her and make sure she was okay. Sally had hinted that Nora had not spoken a word since she visited her father and that she was worried about her, both her and her husband were.
He prayed for her and her new faith that was young and he had promised not to visit but here he was with some flowers and piece of chocolate cake. He came to know that Nora preferred white roses over red.
He hoped she did not throw them at his face.
He came to the large bungalow with large windows and a beautiful garden.
He parked his car as Sally stood on her porch to welcome him.
They had a lovely home.
"Hello?" He greeted her with a hug.
"Hey CJ, it is so good to see you. come in." She welcome him.
The walls were painted navy blue and mustard yellow alternatively as picture frames hung on one wall. He saw one of Nora and Jade.
"She is in her room." Sally said as she left him to go call her.
He stood there and looked at the painting on the wall. It was one of his father's collection. He moved to look at it and admired the beautiful Savannah with elephants at sunset.
He was interrupted by footsteps as Sally emerged with a sad Nora.
"I will leave you two." She spoke and turned to leave.
"Hey you?" CJ called her softly.
Nora walked swiftly and threw herself into his arms and hugged him.
CJ reeled from shock and hugged her back.
They stayed like that for a few more minutes.
CJ stroke her messy hair and pulled her back to watch her sad face.
"Hey I brought you some flowers and a cake." He smiled at her.
Nora hugged him again, "I am glad you came." She whispered.
CJ waited for her to detach herself from him and they sat on the couch. He held her hand rubbing circles on them.
"I thought you would shoot me at a close range." He joked.
Nora gave him a small smile.
They sat like that as CJ relinquished how much he had missed her. She looked different and CJ was over joyed to have her this close.
"Tell me why you are sad. What happened when you visited your father?" He probed as he played with her fingers.
Nora looked at him and her eyes misted.
"I don't think you are going to love me now if you knew who I am." She croaked.
CJ looked at her, "try me."
Nora narrated the entire ordeal to him as he listened carefully.
He saw how shattered she was and full of guilt.
"Nora, I cannot hate or dislike you for something that wasn't your fault. I see you the same way I did for six months ago. I know you may not believe me but nothing has changed." CJ comforted her.
"But what about God, will He accept me even after being conceived in such a way?" She quivered.
"God loves you regardless of who your parents are. He loves you despite how you were conceived. His love is incomprehensible. If not why would He give up His only Son to die for you and I? I am not better than you Nora but in Christ I have a new identity. That is who I am and nothing about that will change." He convinced her.
Nora nodded and let herself lean on his shoulder.
"If Sally told me correctly that you haven't left  the house for two days. I would like to take you out around town and cheer you up." CJ suggested.
"I don't want to. Let's have a picnic in the garden." She declined.
"Is that what you really want?" He asked her.
"Yes, I want to bask in the sunlight with some snacks and you." She said standing up.
"I will be back." She left him gazing at her retreating form.
Sally walked in with a smile, "thank you for doing that." She winked.
"It's nothing. I was also worried about her too." He smiled.
"Alright. I will be sending lunch out soon. Sandwiches and fruit juice if that's okay with you?" She offered.
"It is absolutely okay." He agreed.
Nora came back with her hair done and for the first time wearing a dress.
CJ was stunned by the new look. He was taken back by how stunning she looked in a dress. He had never seen her wear one.
"Is it bad? Sally made me wear it. Uurgh! I knew it was a bad idea, let me go change." She turned only for CJ to stop her.
"No, you look different and beautiful at the same time." He uttered.
"You sure? Cause earlier on you look as if you weren't." She mumbled.
"I am. You look gorgeous." He complimented.
Nora twirled around for him to see. It was  simple white with black stripes knee length dress. Her hair was swept back into a bun.
They walked towards the furthest part of the garden hand in hand as they talked.
"Tell me what you have been up to after I left." She smiled at him.
One of the workers brought them a blanket to sit on.
CJ stared at the man as walked away swiftly.
"One of the two workers who work on this vast garden. Sally loves flowers and wants her garden to be as beautiful as she envisioned it. Soon they will be renting this place for wedding photoshoots and even events venue." She inserted as they sat on the blue blanket.
"I agree this garden is so beautiful." He admitted as his eyes drank in the exotic garden.
"When you left I met with Malik and we had a talk. He was sorry about everything and I realized that he too suffered loss when he lost Shona. We talked and I asked him to let his son Ajay meet with Nancie. It was a bit hard for him because he feared rejection.
Two weeks later he called and said it was alright for Ajay to meet with Nancie. I organized the meeting. Nancie was in tears for seeing her grandson. She never thought of such a thing would ever happen to her. She asked Malik to forgive her and her husband. Ajay was elated to see his grandmother. It was a happy reunion." He concluded with a smile at the memory.
"How do you that? I mean forgive and even love people who hurt you?" She gazed adoringly.
"Have you read the part in the Bible that Jesus tells his disciples to love their enemies and pray for them? It was a shock because they were used to the 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth law' where by revenge worked best but here Jesus is telling them to love those who hate them and even pray for them. Forgiving people is hard but with the help of Jesus we do. He has put in us His Spirit that helps us do the right things which don't come easily for us. In addition how can I expect God to forgive me if I don't forgive others?" He explained the concept.
Nora nodded in agreement.
CJ watched her deep in thought at those words.
"Do you want to know more?" He dragged her out of her thoughts.
"Yes please." She breathed.
"I preached to some two colleagues of mine. They had these questions about heaven and hell. They had argued the previous day and they cornered me during lunch break and I promised to explain it to them if they accept my invitation for coffee after work hours. I explained to them what it means to be a christian because hell and heaven are our only two destination after death. They were not exactly thrilled to know you don't earn your way with good works but faith in Jesus Christ. After everything one of them found me during our rounds and told me that he had decided to follow Jesus Christ not because of just heaven and hell but he had read the gospels five days a row and he understood how much he needed a saviour. I was elated and thankful to God Almighty." CJ's excitement was washing over Nora.
"That's wonderful!" Nora exclaimed
Sally walked towards them with a basket of sandwiches and drinks.
"Thank you so much." They said in unison.
"It is my pleasure." She said leaving them to enjoy their lunch.
"I am happy that you came. After visiting 'my so no longer biological dad' I was devastated. I could not eat from all the anger and frustration then I thought of my journey to this point. I saw how God had wrecked my life since I met Jade and the turning point was when I heard you pray for me in the hospital." She confessed.
"You did?" He stopped in the middle of pouring the pineapple juice.
She nodded, "I was not exactly sure I thought I was hallucinating and I heard you pray that God would open my eyes to His love towards me and to realize I am not in the right terms with Him." She bit her sandwich.
"I am glad God heard me that day. When I survived the suicide that night I was also frustrated for two weeks. I was angry and pissed off my life was no longer the normal routine I was used to. That night I was shaking uncontrollably from withdrawal effects. I sneaked out and went to the my friend who also was my peddler. I don't know what happened but I think I overdosed in my room, I saw myself leave my body. I was terrified being in the dark and I seeing my lifeless body. I heard someone call me, I turned around and I could not see anyone. I was terrified of the voice and I knelt on the floor and hid my face. The voice boomed again and then I saw a light just the same way I saw that night I tried to commit suicide. It blinded me. I was shaking and I have never been afraid as such as that moment. I think I saw my entire life flash before me as I hid my face. It was then it hit me Jesus was calling me. Frantically I started confessing my sins before Him. I asked Him to have mercy and take away my sins that were many and allow me another chance to live right. I cried like never before. I wept for hours begging Him to allow me live right. Immediately the heaviness and the condemnation I felt was lifted and I woke up from my bed. I felt a brand new person. I felt renewed. Since then I gave my life to Christ. I went for to the rehab and I have been clean for five years. It is a struggle that's why I never entertain alcohol or booze or anything that will bring a relapse. Everyday I asked God to save me from addictions and heal my heart. Even my uncle noted that I had changed." CJ retold his experience that he had never told anyone except the man who helped him that night he wanted to commit suicide.
"Wow! That's intense." She commented.
"More than intense." He added.
He watched her as she sank into thoughts and then she turned towards him with a smile.
He knew soon she will have to admit that she needs God more for in it will she find her true identity.
"You know the paintings in Sally's house and Jade's house are part of my dad's creation. I saw it today and I thought of how much the world is a small place." CJ smiled at her enlarged eyes as she chewed her bread.
"No way." Nora commented after swallowing.
"Yes way. I never told Jade because it was still too fresh. When I was rummaging things in my store I found two other paintings and I still miss my father." He mumbled.
Nora put her hand on his upper arm, "I miss my sister every waking day and so I understand. It is okay to miss them." She comforted.
"We will have to tell Jade about this and she will be so surprised." Nora giggled at him
"Thank you. We will." CJ spoke softly.
He changed the subject just to change the gloom away.
They ate as the talked further. Nora relayed her questions about God and salvation. CJ answered to His best of ability.

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