Tiger (KF)

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Kelly's age- 28
y/n's age- 7
(sammy is the name of the babysitter)
Summary- Kelly takes y/n to the zoo as she hasn't been in a while and it turns out y/n finds out she has to say goodbye to her best friend spar after just meeting the new owners.
your mum kelly foster has been working at the zoo longer than you've been alive and ever since you were a baby you came to the zoo with your mum nearly everyday helping her with her jobs and sitting with your bestfriend spar. Unfortunately you haven't been to the zoo since Benjamin and his kids moved in and today your mum was going to surprise you by taking you there.

it was 6:45am and your mum is kneeled down by the side of your bed stroking your hair trying to wake you up. Normally you get up at 8:30 when your babysitter arrives but not today.

"Sweetheart wake up" kelly coos as she lifts you up and settling you down on her lap as she sways you back and fourth.

10 minutes later you lift your face up so yours and Kelly's eyes are matching each other's.

"Morning sunny we need to get you dressed quickly" kelly explains whilst getting your clothes out your wardrobe/closet.

"Why it's still dark outside, is it nighttime" you ask confused as when you normally wake up it's light with sun.

"It's not nighttime hunny it's just early and you and me need to be somewhere in an hour" kelly says taking your pyjamas of dressing you in a top and leggings.

"Where are we going mummy?" you say whilst kelly lifts you up carrying you downstairs.

"That's a surprise baby. You'll find out soon I promise." kelly saying putting your shoes on and carrying you out to the car and putting you in your car seat.

"Is sammy coming today,I don't see her anywhere?" you look around for her but still can't see her.

"No sweetheart sammy's not coming today." kelly says placing a blanket over your body.

"Now I know your still tired so you can have a nap until we get there if you want or you can watch something on your I pad. I've downloaded barbie and tangled for you." kelly explained placing your I pad down on the seat next to you.

"Ok thank you mummy" you say snuggling into your blanket.

"Your welcome baby" Kelly says shutting your door and getting into the car pulling away from the driveway.

The whole hour in the car you slept or was telling your mum things you were seeing outside the car window. When you two arrived kelly parks the car up then lifting you out of your seat whilst you were sleeping heading towards the jaguar.

"Baby look at where we are" Kelly says lifting your head out of her neck.

"The zoo!" you exclaim wiggling your way out of your mums arms running away before Kelly can warn you about Benjamin and the kids.

you ran as fast as your little legs could take you towards the tiger enclosures. Right before you get there you see a young girl a little older than you sat on a bench watching the peacocks. So you walk over and sit next her alarming the girl that somebody she doesn't know is sat next to her.

" Um who are you?" the young girl asked you drawing her attention away from the peacocks to you.

" I'm y/n. Do you want to play with me?" you say hoping this girl would want to be your friend and play with you.

"I'm Rosie. Does my dad know your here? He says that strangers aren't allowed here until July 7th." Rosie exclaims looking at you for an answer.

"I..umm... I don't know" you say getting nervous just wanting your mummy now.

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