Chapter 34

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There are actually two maps. The first is of the city layout, where buildings and pathways are marked with rough precision. The second is a worming trail of lines, similar to the Maze but less purposeful. Not all of them are blocked out, but certain areas are quite detailed.

"These are the tunnels, aren't they?" I ask, and Jorge comes to look over my shoulder.

"Yes. That's as detailed a map for them as I've ever seen," he says. "Even that's quite incomplete, though."

I meet his eyes. "I want to go down there. I can rescue Thomas. And Brenda."

He laughs. "You can just handle the crazies? No, it's death to go searching the tunnels. All the Cranks in there are way past the Gone. They'll eat you alive and laugh as you scream."

I stare at Newt, pleading.

He nods. "She's right. Ash can do it, Jorge. The Flare destroys their brains, right? Because there's no chance in hell a half dead sick creature with a parasite picking its brain apart can beat Ash in a Maze."

"Send the best of us," Minho says. "You, me, Ash and Newt. Leave the others here, and we'll go down there. We can handle a few Cranks, and Ash can help us find our way around."

"That's too risky," Frypan says. "Sending some of you after Thomas makes sense, but we can't endanger you. You're the Leader."

Minho smiles grimly. "Am I, though?" He stares at us with that tense smile on his face and points out the long-broken window at a plaque embedded in a building. "I think it's time, Jorge, you explained what was so special about the name Thomas." 

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