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Thank you so much for reading!! If you remotely have enjoyed my story, you should really check out the third part, World Gone Mad, which I'll start posting next week. It's by far my favorite of Ash's adventures, although it's also the most angsty. 

I'll put the introduction chapter up so you can save it to your library, but I'm going camping for a week and simply cannot update it during that time. I'll get right on it when I'm back, though! 

Teaser for World Gone Mad: Divergent cameos. That is all. My favorite thing. Well, along with *a huge pile of other things I love about that story* 

My Pinterest account is linked on my bio, and this is the link to my specifically Admit Defeat edits: www.pinterest.com/arandomdunedain/admit-defeat/ and this is the link to my board for the whole series (may contain spoilers!!): www.pinterest.com/arandomdunedain/as-we-watch-the-world-burn/

Thank you again for giving my story time and attention, it means a lot. As of 8/1/21, we're at 548 reads, since I enjoy saving those numbers for looking back upon. ^-^


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